The United States Postal Service is the independent postal service of United States government, offering domestic and international shipping services by land and air.
Step 1: Open a USPS shipping account
Open a USPS Web Tools account. After you complete the registration process, you will receive your User ID and a URL to the USPS test server. To learn more about USPS Web Tools, see their Technical Documentation.
Step 2: Enable USPS for your store
On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.
In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Shipping Methods.
the USPS section.
Set Enabled for Checkout to
. -
The Gateway URL is needed to access USPS shipping rates.
The field is preset by default, and normally does not need to be changed.
Enter a Title for this shipping method that will appear during checkout.
Enter the User ID and Password for your USPS account.
Set Mode to one of the following:
Development Runs USPS in a test environment. Live Runs USPS in a live production environment. After running USPS in a development environment, make sure to return later and set the mode to Live.
Step 3: Complete the packaging description
To determine how the order is managed if sent as multiple packages, set Packages Request Type to one of the following:
Divide to Equal Weight (One Request) The shipment of multiple packages can be submitted as one request if the packages are divided by equal weight. Use Origin Weight (Multiple Requests) Multiple packages must be submitted as separate requests if using origin weight as the basis of calculating the shipping cost. -
Set Container to the type of packaging usually used to ship products ordered for your store.
Options include:
- Variable
- Flat-Rate Box
- Flat-Rate Envelope
- Rectangular
- Non-Rectangular
Set the Size of the typical package shipped from your store.
Options include:
- Regular
- Large
- Oversize
Set Machinable to one of the following:
Yes Your typical package can be processed by a machine. No Your typical package must be processed manually. -
Enter the Maximum Package Weight according to carrier requirements.
Step 4: Set up handling fees
Set Calculate Handling Fee to one of the following methods:
To determine how the handling fee is applied, set Handling Applied to one of the following:
Per Order
Per Package
Enter the amount of the Handling Fee to be charged.
To enter a percentage, use the decimal format. For example, enter
for 25%.
Step 5: Specify the allowed shipping methods and applicable countries
In the Allowed Methods list, choose each USPS shipping method to be available to your customers.
The methods appear under USPS during checkout. To select multiple methods, hold down the Ctrl key (PC) or the Command key (Mac) and click each option.
If you want to use a USPS method to offer free shipping, set the Free Method list to the method you want to use.
If you do not want to offer free shipping through USPS, choose
.For Free Shipping Amount Threshold, enter the minimum amount that qualifies an order for free shipping with USPS.
For Displayed Error Message you can either leave the default message or enter the message that you want to appear if USPS becomes unavailable.
Set Ship to Applicable Countries to one of the following:
All Allowed Countries Customers from all countries specified in your store configuration can use this shipping method. Specific Countries After choosing this option, the Ship to Specific Countries list appears. Select each country in the list where this shipping method can be used. -
Set Show Method if Not Applicable to one of the following:
Yes Lists all available USPS shipping methods during checkout, including those that don’t apply to the shipment. No Lists only the USPS shipping methods that are applicable to the shipment. -
Set Debug to
to create a log file with the details of all USPS activity related to your store. -
If you offer multiple shipping carriers/methods, enter a number for Sort Order to determine where in the sequence USPS appears.
This is relative to the other shipping carriers/methods. (
= first,1
= second,2
= third, and so on.) -
Click Save Config.