Shipping Settings
The shipping configuration establishes the point of origin for all shipments and your shipping policy.
Shipping Settings
The point of origin is used to calculate the charge for shipments made from your store or warehouse, and also determines the tax rate for products sold. When calculating EU taxes, make sure that the Default Tax Destination Calculation for each store view corresponds to the point of origin configured in the Shipping Settings.
On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.
In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Shipping Settings.
the Origin section and complete the following:
- Country
- Region / State
- ZIP / Postal Code
- City
- Street Address (and line 2, if needed)
Click Save Config.
Shipping Policy Parameters
A shipping policy should explain your company’s business rules and guidelines for shipments. For example, if you have price rules that trigger free shipping, you can explain the terms in your shipping policy. To display your shipping policy during checkout, complete the Shipping Policy options in the configuration. The text appears when customers click the See our Shipping Policy link during checkout.
Shipping policy displayed during checkout
On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.
In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Shipping Settings.
the Shipping Policy Parameters section.
Set Apply Custom Shipping Policy to
. -
Enter your text in the Shipping Policy box.
If you use a word processor to compose the text, make sure to save the document as a .txt file to remove any control characters from the text. Then, copy and paste the text into the Shipping Policy text box.
Click Save Config.