Magento 2.1.18 is the final 2.1.x release. After June 2019, Magento 2.1.x will no longer receive security patches, quality fixes, or documentation updates.
To maintain your site's performance, security, and PCI compliance, upgrade to the latest version of Magento.

Redis troubleshooting

Redis is an optional backend cache solution for Magento Commerce Cloud. This information helps you troubleshoot errors and issues you encounter with Redis. These issues and resolutions affect Starter and Pro plans.

Redis error on deploy

You may receive the following error when deploying your Git branch:

Redis::pipeline(): Already in pipeline mode in /var/www/html/magento2ce/vendor/colinmollenhour/credis/Client.php on line 1037

Your Cloud systems and services have been updated to the latest Redis and PHP-Redis 3.1.3. Due to the upgrade, we have provided a patch to upgrade your PHP-Redis code to 3.1.3. You just need to patch and test this general patch according to your Magento Commerce Cloud version.

  • Use an Integration branch to add the code through your local.
  • Patch using the CLI command composer update in a terminal.
  • Push your code to deploy and test in an Integration environment.
  • After testing completes, deploy your code to Staging and Production environments. For more information on deployments, see Deploy your store.

We strongly recommend patching to update your PHP-Redis version. Your build and deploy will continue to encounter issues until updated to PHP-Redis 3.1.3.

See the following instructions based on your Magento Commerce Cloud version:

  • 2.0.x: Apply the patch and test the deployment in your Integration environment.
  • 2.1.0 – 2.1.3: Apply the patch and test the deployment in your Integration environment.
  • 2.1.4 and later merchants: Upgrade MCC to the latest version in your branch and deploy to your Integration environment. The MCC upgrade includes this patch. To upgrade a default unchanged MCC, you only need to run composer update in a terminal.

    If you hardcoded or modified your MCC, run composer update in a terminal. After the composer update completes, verify following magento/magento-cloud-configuration version displays in composer.lock:

    • 2.1.4: magento/magento-cloud-configuration 101.4.5 or later
    • 2.1.5: magento/magento-cloud-configuration 101.5.4 or later
    • 2.1.6: magento/magento-cloud-configuration 101.6.6 or later
    • 2.1.7: magento/magento-cloud-configuration 101.7.6 or later
    • 2.1.8: magento/magento-cloud-configuration 101.8.1 or later
  • 2.2: This PHP-Redis upgrade is already included. v2.2 is coming soon for Magento Commerce Cloud.

For details on MCC and the update command, see Composer.

Redis and static-content deployment

This information helps if you receive a number of Redis connection errors in your production logs during static content deployment.

Error: RedisException: read error on connection

To resolve, we recommend enabling and using Configuration Management options to move your static content deployment from the Deploy to Build phase.

  1. Remove all static content first from pub/static/frontend/* and also from var/view_preprocessed.
  2. Enable and use the recommended scd-dump command for Configuration Management (Pipeline Deployment). Remember, you will need to add and push the file generated to Git: config.local.php for 2.1.X or config.php for 2.2.X.

If you continue to encounter these issues after using this method of deployment, you can attempt the following work-around. However, this method will dramatically increase the static content deployment time as it reduces deployment to a single thread.

  1. Remove all static content first from pub/static/frontend/* and also from var/view_preprocessed.
  2. SSH to the server after deployment completes.
  3. Run the following command to reduce deployment threads:

     php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -j 1

You can also set an environment variable for single thread deployment by default: STATIC_CONTENT_THREADS = 1.
