Adobe Commerce 2.3 reached end of support in September 2022.

Build System Setup

You can have one build system that meets the following requirements:

  • All Magento code is under source control in the same repository as the development and production systems
  • Make sure all of the following are included in source control:

    • app/etc/config.php
    • generated directory (and subdirectories)
    • pub/media directory
    • pub/media/wysiwyg directory (and subdirectories)
    • pub/static directory (and subdirectories)
  • Must have a compatible PHP version installed
  • Must have Composer installed
  • It has file system ownership and permissions set as discussed in Prerequisite for your development, build, and production systems.
  • The build system does not need Magento to be installed, but the code must be available to it.

The database connection not required if it is already contained in config.php (see Export the configuration). Otherwise, the database connection is required.

The build machine can be on its own host or on the same host as an installed Magento system.

Configure the build machine

The following sections discuss how to configure the build machine.

Install Composer

First, check if Composer is already installed:

In a command prompt, enter any of the following commands:

  • composer --help
  • composer list --help

If command help displays, Composer is already installed.

If an error displays, use the following steps to install Composer.

To install Composer:

  1. Change to or create an empty directory on your Magento server.

  2. Enter the following commands:

    curl -sS | php
    mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

For additional installation options, see the Composer installation documentation.

Install PHP

Install PHP on CentOS or Ubuntu.

Set up the build system

To set up the build system:

  1. Log in to the build system as, or switch to, the file system owner.
  2. Retrieve the Magento code from source control.

    If you use Git, use the following command:

    git clone [-b <branch name>] <repository URL>
  3. Change to the Magento root directory and enter:

    composer install
  4. Wait for Magento dependencies to update.
  5. Set ownership:

    chown -R <magento file system owner name>:<web server username> .

    For example,

    chown -R magento_user:apache .
  6. If you use Git, open .gitignore in a text editor.
  7. Start each of the following lines with a # character to comment them out:

    # app/etc/config.php
    # pub/media/*
    # generated/*
    # pub/media/*.*
    # pub/media/wysiwyg/*
    # pub/static/*
  8. Save your changes to .gitignore and exit the text editor.
  9. If you use Git, use the following commands to commit the change:

    git add .gitignore && git commit -m "Modify .gitignore for build and production"

    See the .gitignore reference for more information.

  10. The build system should use either default mode or developer mode:

    bin/magento deploy:mode:set <mode>

    <mode> is required. It can be either default or developer.

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