Magento 2.1.18 is the final 2.1.x release. After June 2019, Magento 2.1.x will no longer receive security patches, quality fixes, or documentation updates.
To maintain your site's performance, security, and PCI compliance, upgrade to the latest version of Magento.

Unknown module Magento_BundleSampleData


During the installation, a message similar to the following displays:

[ERROR] exception 'LogicException' with message 'Unknown module in the requested list: 'Magento_BundleSampleData'' 


Try each of the following one at a time, then try your installation again.

  1. As a user with root privileges, restart your web server and MySQL.

    • nginx: service nginx restart
    • Apache (Ubuntu): service apache2 restart
    • Apache (CentOS): service httpd restart
    • MySQL (Ubuntu): service mysql restart
    • MySQL (CentOS): service mysqld restart
  2. Run the Web Setup Wizard.

    On Step 4: Customize Your Store, expand Advanced Modules Configurations and clear the Magento_BundleSampleData checkbox as the following figure shows.

    Clear the Magento_ModuleSampleData checkbox

  3. Clear all browser history and data from your web browser.
  4. If you have Chrome, clear all browser data related to your site.

    Go to Settings > Advanced options > Privacy > Content Settings > All cookies and site data. In the Site column, click the address of your Magento server and click Remove All.
