Adobe Commerce 2.3 reached end of support in September 2022.

Protected endpoints

If CAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA is enabled on pages requiring shopper input, then in most cases, the corresponding endpoints that send requests to the Magento server must include an HTTP header that contains a value entered by the shopper (for CAPTCHA) or generated by the Google API (for reCAPTCHA). However, if you specify an integration authorization token in the header of the endpoint, then you do not supply a header specific to CAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA.

The HTTP X-Captcha and X-ReCaptcha headers:

  • Cannot be received by an automated script or a non-UI API call. They are captured and returned by the UI Web form only.
  • Are optional in protected mutation API calls that provide integration authorization tokens only. They cannot be skipped when you provide an Admin or Bearer token.


The following table lists the forms that can be configured to require CAPTCHA. Go to Stores > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > CAPTCHA > Forms to enable or disable CAPTCHA on these forms.

The endpoint that corresponds to a CAPTCHA-enabled form must include the HTTP X-Captcha header, along with the text the shopper entered in response to the CAPTCHA challenge.

Form name REST endpoint
Add Gift Card Code POST /V1/carts/mine/giftCards
POST /V1/carts/guest-carts/:cartId/giftCards
Applying Coupon Code PUT /V1/carts/:cartId/coupons/:couponCode
PUT /V1/guest-carts/:cartId/coupons/:couponCode
Change password PUT /V1/customers/me/password
Checkout/Placing Order POST /V1/carts/mine/payment-information
POST /V1/carts/mine/set-payment-information
POST /V1/guest-carts/:cartId/payment-information
POST /V1/guest-carts/:cartId/set-payment-information
Contact Us Not applicable
Create company POST /V1/company
Create user POST /V1/customers
Forgot password POST /V1/customers/resetPassword
PUT /V1/customers/password
Login POST /V1/integration/customer/token
Payflow Pro Not applicable
Send to Friend Form Not applicable
Share Wishlist Form Not applicable


The following table lists the forms that can be configured to require reCAPTCHA. Go to Stores > Configuration > Security > Google reCAPTCHA Storefront > Storefront to enable or disable reCAPTCHA on these forms. If reCAPTCHA is enabled, unless an integration token is provided, always specify the HTTP X-ReCaptcha header and the value generated by the Google API.

Field name Mutation
Enable for Customer Login PUT /V1/integration/customer/token
Enable for Forgot Password PUT /V1/customers/me/password
Enable for Create New Customer Account POST /V1/customers
Enable for Edit Customer Account PUT /V1/customers/me
Enable for Contact Us Not applicable
Enable for Product Review Not applicable
Enable for Newsletter Subscription Not applicable
Enable for Send To Friend Not applicable
Enable for PayPal PayflowPro payment form Not applicable
Enable for Braintree payment form Not applicable
Enable for Checkout/Placing Order POST /V1/carts/mine/payment-information
POST /V1/carts/mine/set-payment-information
POST /V1/guest-carts/:cartId/payment-information
POST /V1/guest-carts/:cartId/set-payment-information
Enable for Coupon Codes PUT /V1/carts/:cartId/coupons/:couponCode
PUT /V1/guest-carts/:cartId/coupons/:couponCode

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