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Date component

The Date component implements a custom date input field. It uses a date picker implementation provided by the calendar widget.

Configuration options

Option Description Type Default
component The path to the component’s .js file in terms of RequireJS. String Magento_Ui/js/form/element/date
elementTmpl The path to the .html template of the particular field type component (date). String ui/form/element/date
options The configuration object that is passed to the calendar widget. Object {}
inputDateFormat Format of the date received from the server (ICU Date Format). Used only in date picker mode (this.options.showsTime == false). String y-MM-dd
outputDateFormat Format of the date sent to the server (ICU Date Format). Used only in date picker mode (this.options.showsTime == false) String MM/dd/y
pickerDateTimeFormat Date/time format that is used to display date in the input field. String ''
timeOffset The number of seconds added to the value specified by user. Number 0
template The path to the general field .html template. String ui/form/field