Magento 2.1.18 is the final 2.1.x release. After June 2019, Magento 2.1.x will no longer receive security patches, quality fixes, or documentation updates.
To maintain your site's performance, security, and PCI compliance, upgrade to the latest version of Magento.

Migrate settings


The Settings mode migrates stores, websites, and system configuration like shipping, payment, tax settings, etc. According to our data migration order, you should migrate settings first.

Before you start: routine preparations

  1. Log in to Magento server as the file system owner.

  2. Change to the Magento /bin directory or make sure it is added to your system PATH.

See the First steps section for more details.

Run the settings migration command

To start migrating settings, run:

bin/magento migrate:settings [-r|--reset] {<path to config.xml>}


  • [-r|--reset] is an optional argument that starts migration from the beginning. You can use this argument for testing migration

  • {<path to config.xml>} is the absolute file system path to the migration tool’s config.xml file; this argument is required.

This command does not migrate all configuration settings. Verify all settings in the Magento 2 Admin before proceeding.

The Migration completed message is displayed after the settings are transferred successfully.

Configure custom migration rules

You may ignore, rename or change the system configurations when migrating settings. For this, specify your custom rules in the settings.xml file.

  1. Log in to your Magento server as, or switch to, the Magento file system owner.

  2. Change to the following directory:

    <your Magento 2 install dir>/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/<edition-to-edition>

    For example, if Magento 2 is installed in /var/www/html, you’ll find settings.xml.dist in one of the following directories:

  3. To create a settings.xml file from the provided sample, run:

     cp settings.xml.dist settings.xml
  4. Make your changes in settings.xml.

  5. Specify the new name of the settings file for mapping. To do that, change the <settings_map_file> tag in the path/to/config.xml file.

For more details, see the Settings migration mode section of the Tool’s specification.

Next migration step
