Magento 2.1.18 is the final 2.1.x release. After June 2019, Magento 2.1.x will no longer receive security patches, quality fixes, or documentation updates.
To maintain your site's performance, security, and PCI compliance, upgrade to the latest version of Magento.

Sample template tutorial

A tutorial provides procedural information spread across multiple pages. It contains several design elements that differ from standard topics:

  • A tutorial replaces the navigation with a table of contents that is specific to the tutorial.
  • The bottom of the index page contains a Begin Tutorial button.
  • Next and Previous buttons are displayed at the bottom of each topic.

Metadata parameters

You must use the following metadata parameters on the tutorial index page.

Parameter Description
layout: Must be tutorial.
level3_subgroup: A group name that binds the tutorial topics together. This value must be specified on each topic in the tutorial.
title: The title of the tutorial.
menu_title: On the index page of the tutorial, specify Initial tasks.
menu_order: The sequence number of the topic. For the index page in a multi-step tutorial, set this 0.
return_to: Defines the tutorial’s parent page. The parent page title is displayed in the left navigation above the tutorial steps. Do not specify a value for the return_to: parameter. Instead, specify values for these second-level parameters:

title: The title of the parent topic

url: The URL of the parent topic
functional_areas: Optional. Adds facets for search results. Available facets include: sales, products, carts, customers, marketing, account, content, reports, stores, system, catalog, orders, frontend, theme, staging, search, configurations, integration, services, tools, setup, testing or test, standards, install, upgrade, B2B, cloud, and bundled extensions.
redirect_from Optional. Add a list of other pages in DevDocs that should redirect to this page. The link should start with the /guides directory. For an example, see the source code for this template page.
ee_only: Optional. If set to true, graphics/cues indicating that the article applies to Magento Commerce are displayed on devdocs.

The following example shows the completed frontmatter section for an index page:

layout: tutorial
level3_subgroup: order-tutorial
title: Order processing tutorial
menu_title: Initial tasks
  title: REST tutorials
  url: rest/tutorials/index.html
menu_order: 0

Before you begin…

This tutorial will show a <audience/skill level> how to <perform the task addressed in this topic>.

Summarize the goals of the tutorial and the benefit that the reader will receive upon completion. This summary should be very brief (about 3 lines).

(Optional) The X-step tutorial generally takes YY minutes.

Complete these prerequisites

  • List any skills required (PHP, database, admin, etc.)
  • List any assumptions or requirements before starting.
  • List any steps, bulleted and in order, necessary before starting the tutorial.