- Introduction
Catalog Category
- catalog_category.assignedProducts
- catalog_category.assignProduct
- catalog_category.create
- catalog_category.currentStore
- catalog_category.delete
- catalog_category.info
- catalog_category.level
- catalog_category.move
- catalog_category.removeProduct
- catalog_category.tree
- catalog_category.update
- catalog_category.updateProduct
- Catalog Category Attributes
- Catalog Product
- Catalog Product Attribute
Catalog Product Attribute
Media - Catalog Product Attribute Set
Catalog Product Custom
Option - Catalog Product Custom Option Value
- Catalog Product Downloadable Link
- Catalog Product Link
- Catalog Product Tag
- Catalog Product Tier Price
- Catalog Product Types
Catalog Category
- Catalog Inventory
- Checkout
- Create Your Own API
- Customer
- Directory
- Sales
- Enterprise Customer Balance
- Enterprise Gift Card
- Enterprise Gift Message
- Miscellaneous
- WS-I Compliance
Module: Mage_Directory
The Mage_Directory module allows you to retrieve country and region data.
Allows you to retrieve a list of countries.
Resource Name: directory_country
- country
- directory_country.list - Retrieve a list of countries
Allows you to retrieve a list of regions within a country.
Resource Name: directory_region
- region
- directory_region.list - Retrieve a list of regions in a specified country