REST API: Customer Addresses
URI: /customers/:customer_id/addresses
Allows you to manage existing customer addresses.
URL Structure: http://magentohost/api/rest/customers/:customer_id/addresses
Version: 1
HTTP Method: GET /customers/:customer_id/addresses
Description: Allows you to retrieve the list of existing customer addresses.
Notes: The list of attributes that will be returned for customer addresses is configured in the Magento Admin Panel. The Customer user type has access only to his/her own addresses. Also, Admin can add additional non-system customer address attributes by selecting Customers > Attributes > Manage Customer Address Attributes (available only in Magento Enterprise Edition). If these attributes are set as visible on frontend, they will be returned in the response.
Authentication: Admin, Customer
Default Format: XML
No Parameters
GET http://magentohost/api/rest/customers/1/addresses |
Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <magento_api> <data_item> <entity_id>2</entity_id> <firstname>John</firstname> <lastname>Doe</lastname> <city>PA</city> <region>Palau</region> <postcode>19103</postcode> <country_id>US</country_id> <telephone>610-634-1181</telephone> <prefix>Dr.</prefix> <middlename></middlename> <suffix>Jr.</suffix> <company></company> <fax></fax> <vat_id>123456789</vat_id> <street> <data_item>2356 Jody Road Philadelphia</data_item> <data_item>844 Jefferson Street; 4510 Willis Avenue</data_item> </street> <is_default_billing>1</is_default_billing> <is_default_shipping>1</is_default_shipping> </data_item> </magento_api>
response body: json:
[ { "entity_id": "98", "firstname": "John", "middlename": null, "lastname": "Doe", "company": null, "city": "Philly", "country_id": "US", "region": "California", "postcode": "94131", "telephone": "888-555-1212", "fax": null, "street": [ "123 Center St" ], "is_default_billing": 0, "is_default_shipping": 1 }, { "entity_id": "99", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "city": "San Jose", "country_id": "US", "region": "California", "postcode": "94070", "telephone": "898-555-1212", "street": [ "123 Easy St" ], "is_default_billing": 1, "is_default_shipping": 0 } ]
Notes: If the customer has more than two street addresses, they will be returned in the following form: first address in the first string and all other addresses in the second string separated with a semicolon (like in the example above).
HTTP Method: POST /customers/:customer_id/addresses
Description: Allows you to create a new address for the required customer.
Notes: The Customer user type can create addresses only for themselves.
When adding a street address for the customer, it should look like the following:
<street> <data_item>street address 1</data_item> <data_item>street address 2</data_item> <data_item>street address 3</data_item> </street>
Authentication: Admin, Customer
Default Format: XML
Name | Description | Required | Type | Example Value |
firstname | Customer first name | required | string | John |
lastname | Customer last name | required |
string | Doe |
street |
Customer street address. There can be more than one street address. | required |
string | 2800 Watson Lane |
city |
Name of the city | required |
string | Asheville |
country_id |
Name of the country | required |
string | US |
region | Region name or code | required for countries with regions (USA, Canada, etc.) | string | Palau |
postcode |
Customer ZIP/postal code | required |
string | 28803 |
telephone |
Customer phone number | required |
string | 828-775-0519 |
POST http://magentohost/api/rest/customers/1/addresses |
Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <magento_api> <firstname>Johny</firstname> <lastname>Doe</lastname> <city>PA</city> <region>Palau</region> <postcode>19103</postcode> <country_id>US</country_id> <telephone>611-634-1181</telephone> <street> <data_item>2354 Jody Road Philadelphia</data_item> <data_item>844 Jefferson Street; 4510 Willis Avenue</data_item> </street> </magento_api>
HTTP Method: PUT /customers/:customer_id/addresses
Update Customer Address: not allowed.
HTTP Method: DELETE /customers/:customer_id/addresses
Description: Not allowed.
URI: /customers/addresses/:address_id
Allows you to manage an existing customer address.
URL Structure: http://magentohost/api/rest/customers/addresses/:address_id
Version: 1
HTTP Method: GET /customers/addresses/:address_id
Description: Allows you to retrieve an existing customer address.
Notes: The list of attributes that will be returned for customer address is configured in the Magento Admin Panel. The Customer user type has access only to his/her own addresses. Also, Admin can add additional non-system customer address attributes by selecting Customers > Attributes > Manage Customer Address Attributes (available only in Magento Enterprise Edition). If these attributes are set as visible on frontend, they will be returned in the response.
Authentication: Admin, Customer
Default Format: XML
No Parameters
GET http://magentohost/api/rest/customers/addresses/2 |
Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <magento_api> <entity_id>2</entity_id> <firstname>John</firstname> <lastname>Doe</lastname> <city>PA</city> <region>Palau</region> <postcode>19103</postcode> <country_id>US</country_id> <telephone>610-634-1181</telephone> <prefix>Dr.</prefix> <middlename></middlename> <suffix>Jr.</suffix> <company></company> <fax></fax> <vat_id>123456789</vat_id> <street> <data_item>2356 Jody Road Philadelphia</data_item> <data_item>844 Jefferson Street; 4510 Willis Avenue</data_item> </street> <is_default_billing>1</is_default_billing> <is_default_shipping>1</is_default_shipping> </magento_api>
response body: json:
{ "entity_id": "2", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "city": "San Jose", "country_id": "US", "region": "California", "postcode": "94070", "telephone": "898-555-1212", "street": [ "123 Easy St" ], "is_default_billing": 1, "is_default_shipping": 0 }
HTTP Method: POST /customers/addresses/:address_id
Description: Not allowed.
HTTP Method: PUT /customers/addresses/:address_id
Description: Allows you to update an existing customer address.
Notes: The list of attributes that will be updated for customer address is configured in the Magento Admin Panel. The Customer user type has access only to his/her own addresses.
If you want to add more addresses, it should look like the following:
<street> <data_item>street address 1</data_item> <data_item>street address 2</data_item> <data_item>street address 3</data_item> </street>
Authentication: Admin, Customer
Default Format: XML
PUT http://magentohost/api/rest/customers/addresses/7 |
Request Body:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <magento_api> <firstname>Johny</firstname> <lastname>Doe</lastname> <city>PA</city> <region>Palau</region> <postcode>19103</postcode> <country_id>US</country_id> <telephone>610-634-1181</telephone> <street> <data_item>2356 Jody Road Philadelphia</data_item> <data_item>844 Jefferson Street</data_item> </street> <is_default_billing>1</is_default_billing> <is_default_shipping>1</is_default_shipping> </magento_api>
request body: json:
{ "entity_id": "99", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "city": "San Jose", "country_id": "US", "region": "California", "postcode": "94070", "telephone": "898-555-1212", "street": [ "123 Easy St" ], "is_default_billing": 1, "is_default_shipping": 0 }
HTTP Method: DELETE /customers/addresses/:address_id
Description: Allows you to delete an existing customer address.
Notes: The Customer user type can delete only his/her own addresses.
Authentication: Admin, Customer
Default Format: XML
No Parameters
DELETE http://magentohost/api/rest/customers/addresses/7 |
Possible HTTP Status Codes
Status Code | Message | Description |
405 | Resource method not implemented yet. | The required method is not implemented or not allowed. |
404 | Resource not found. |
The specified resource is not found or does not exist. |
400 | Invalid country identifier type | The <country_id> value is passed not as a string type. |
400 | <value name> is a required value. |
The specified value is a required one. |
400 | Country does not exist |
The specified country does not exist. |
400 | Country is required | The <country_id> value is required. |
400 | Country is not between '2' and '3' inclusively. |
The country code is not in the range of 2 and 3 symbols inclusively. |
400 | Invalid State/Province type |
The <region> value is invalid (value is empty or passed as an array) |
400 | State/Province is required |
The <region> value is required for the specified country. |
400 | State/Province is invalid |
The entered value for <region> is invalid. It must be the region code (TX) or region name (Texas). |
400 | State/Province does not exist |
The specified region does not exist (only for the country with predefined regions). |
400 | Address is default for customer so is not allowed to be deleted |
The address cannot be deleted because it is set as a default one for billing or shipping. |