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Storefront Compatibility Package

The Storefront Compatibility Package contains changes to the Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 codebase that enable drop-in component functionality.

Most of these changes enhance the Adobe Commerce GraphQL schema. However, miscellaneous bugfixes are also included. Cart, checkout, user account, and user authentication dropin-in components require the package. Partners can request access to the Storefront Compatibility Package by sending an email to

Major features

This package defines the following queries and mutations:

  • confirmCancelOrder mutation - Cancels the specified order for a guest.

  • confirmReturn mutation - Confirms a guest or customer return request.

  • estimateTotals mutation - Estimates totals for cart based on the address.

  • generateCustomerToken mutation - Creates a new customer token.

  • guestOrder query - Retrieves information about a guest order using an order number, email, and billing last name as input.

  • guestOrderByToken query - Retrieves information about a guest order based on an order token.

  • recaptchaFormConfig query - Returns information about the reCaptcha configuration for the specified form type.

  • requestGuestOrderCancel mutation - Cancels the specified guest order.

  • requestGuestReturn mutation - Requests a return for a specified order on behalf of a guest.

  • resendConfirmationEmail mutation - Resends a confirmation email to the specified customer upon request.

Release information

Latest version: 4.7.0-beta27

Release date: December 2, 2024


  • Added the field and fixed an error with

  • Added the product field to the OrderItemInterface type.

  • Added the order_id field to the CancelOrderInput and ConfirmReturnInput types.

  • The guestOrder and customerOrder queries return order comments as expected.


  • Added the subtotal, subtotal_incl_tax, and subtotal_excl_tax fields to the OrderTotal object.

  • Removed empty B2B tests.

  • Added the field.

  • Updated the date format returned by the OrderStatusChangeDate resolver.

  • Corrected the behavior of the CartItemPrices.original_item_price field so that it does not include discounts or taxes.


  • Shipping addresses are stored in customer’s address book correctly upon placing an order with the placeOrder mutation.

  • Added the guestOrder and guestOrderByToken queries, which retrieve information about guest orders. The guestOrder query retrieves order details based on order number, email, and billing last name. The guestOrderByToken query retrieves order details based on an order token.

  • When using the customer query to retrieve a list of available_actions when a return has been initiated, the query no longer returns a value of RETURN. If returns have been disabled for the system, the available_actions field will not list a value of RETURN.

  • Changed the data type of the following StoreConfig fields from Boolean to string: display_product_prices_in_catalog, display_shipping_prices, orders_invoices_credit_memos_display_price, orders_invoices_credit_memos_display_subtotal, orders_invoices_credit_memos_display_shipping_amount, fixed_product_taxes_display_prices_in_product_lists, fixed_product_taxes_display_prices_on_product_view_page, fixed_product_taxes_display_prices_in_sales_modules, fixed_product_taxes_display_prices_in_emails

  • Changed the data type of the SelectedCustomAttributeInput.value field from ID! to String!.


  • The setShippingAddressesOnCart mutation no longer throws an error when specifying the pickup_location_code field.

  • customer queries using the items_eligible_for_return field do not return both parent and child products for configurable products.

  • Added the quantity_return_requested and eligible_for_return fields to OrderItemInterface.

  • Added the items_eligible_for_return field to the CustomerOrder type.

  • The eligible_for_return field no longer returns true on items that have been returned.

  • Updated WebAPI tests on shared catalogs.


  • Increased the default value for maximum query complexity to 1000.

  • Corrected an error that occurred when using the customer query to retrieve returns with the “Processed and Closed” status.


  • Added the confirmReturn and requestGuestReturn mutations.

  • Added multiple fields to the StoreConfig object that return configuration values related to taxes.

  • Commerce correctly returns a 401 or 403 error when an expired token is used.


You must have Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 installed. Magento Open Source is not supported.

Use this method to install the Storefront Compatibility Package using the Cloud infrastructure.

  1. On your local workstation, change to the project directory for your Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure project.

  2. Check out the environment branch to update using the Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI.

    Terminal window
    magento-cloud environment:checkout <environment-id>
  3. Add the Storefront Compatibility module.

    Terminal window
    composer require adobe-commerce/storefront-compatibility
  4. Update package dependencies.

    Terminal window
    composer update "adobe-commerce/storefront-compatibility"
  5. Commit and push code changes for the composer.json and composer.lock files.

  6. Add, commit, and push the code changes for the composer.json and composer.lock files to the cloud environment

    Terminal window
    git add -A
    git commit -m "Add module"
    git push origin <branch-name>

    Pushing the updates to the cloud environment initiates the Commerce cloud deployment process to apply the changes. Check the deployment status from the deploy log.

Update the package

Use the following procedure to update patch versions of the Storefront Compatibility Package.

  1. Run the following command to update the package:

    Terminal window
    composer update adobe-commerce/storefront-compatibility
  2. Run the following commands to upgrade Adobe Commerce and clear the cache.

    Terminal window
    bin/magento setup:upgrade && bin/magento cache:clean