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Setting up an Adobe Commerce storefront project is similar to other Edge Delivery Services projects. The main difference is that you need to connect your storefront to your Adobe Commerce backend.

Big picture

Launching a headless Adobe Commerce storefront on Edge Delivery Services requires some basic setup before you do any custom development. Adobe recommends starting with the Commerce boilerplate to simplify the process. The Commerce boilerplate GitHub repsitory is a fork of the Edge Delivery Services boilerplate. It includes additional code specifically for Commerce use cases.

The Create your storefront tutorial provides all the information that you need to quickly set up a starter project that uses a pre-configured sample Adobe Commerce backend. After you complete the tutorial, you can connect your own Adobe Commerce backend to the project.

Here’s an overview of the process:

Project setup process.

Project setup process.
  1. Storefront configuration: Connect your Edge Delivery Services storefront to your Adobe Commerce backend.
  2. CDN configuration: Set up the content delivery network (CDN) to deliver your project.
  3. Storefront compatibility package: Install the Storefront Compatibility Package to enable drop-in component functionality.