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Adobe’s launch resources are designed specifically to help ensure a smooth and successful lauch of your Adobe Commerce on Edge Delivery Services storefront project.

Adobe Commerce projects usually require much more than a simple content delivery network (CDN) switch to launch. You must ensure that the launch activities are well defined and planned. You should also prepare a rollback plan in case you encounter any issues during the launch.


For complete documentation on launching your storefront, visit the Launch section on the Adobe Experience Manager site or select the direct links below. You should also review the Commerce-specific launch checklist.

  1. Go-Live Checklist: The go-live checklist is a summary of best practices to consider when launching a website.
  2. Push Invalidation: Automatically purge content on your production CDN, whenever an author publishes content changes.
  3. Cloudflare Worker Setup: Learn how to configure Cloudflare to deliver content.
  4. Akamai Setup: Discover how to use the Akamai Property Manager to configure a property to deliver content.
  5. Fastly Setup: This guide illustrates how to configure Fastly to deliver content.
  6. CloudFront Setup: Set up Amazon Web Services Cloudfront to deliver your AEM site with push invalidation.
  7. Bring your own DNS: A custom domain without having to set up a content delivery network.
  8. Redirects: You can intuitively manage redirects as a spreadsheet called redirects (or redirects.xlsx) in the root of your project folder.

Launch checklist

The launch of a new storefront can be an overwhelming and stressful process. If you don’t have a checklist, you’re likely to forget something. Tracking all tasks that need to be completed before the launch of your Adobe Commerce on Edge Delivery Services storefront project is a best practice. This checklist will help you ensure that you have everything in place before you launch.

During the development phase of your project, you’ll encounter tasks around migrating implementations that were done on a development or staging environment to production. It is essential to keep track of these changes and make them reproducible on the production environment as part of the launch activities.

Catalog service

  • Switch to the Catalog Service production endpoint (
  • Ensure a production environment is configured in the Service Connector (will result in a new environmentId).
  • Sync the production catalog to the new production environment.
  • Create a new Commerce production API key-pair and use the public key as the x-api-key value.
  • Double check category IDs and make sure all category pages have a reference to the correct category.
  • Update environmentId and x-api-key values in the .helix/config.xlsx file.
  • Let the Catalog Service team know about the new production environment and launch date.

CDN and caching

  • Update your CDN configuration with your production GraphQL endpoint Make sure to also use this for all the Sidekick extensions and scripts (for example, sitemap generation, image importer).
  • When using Adobe Commerce Fastly, request a new CDN purge token for Commerce production environment. Update in Sharepoint in the .helix/config.xlsx file (authToken and serviceId).
  • Validate your CDN configuration and ensure that caching and cache invalidation work as expected.
  • For multi-store setups, add a store-specific cache buster (for example, a query parameter or proxy through CDN configuration) to Catalog Service and LiveSearch requests.

Security and access

  • Verify/update password reset links. Match the Edge Delivery Services implementation in the Adobe Commerce Admin.
  • Provide and configure production keys for integrations and payment providers.
  • Verify that the new domains/subdomains are allowlisted and potential backend webhooks are working.

SEO and indexing

  • Add a robots.txt file to your project, which allows your site to be indexed by search engines. Ensure that your sitemaps are referenced and that you add rules to block indexing of any content that you do not want to be indexed (for example, the /drafts folder).
  • Add one or multiple redirect files to ensure that URLs that were changed as part of the migration still work (for example, when you remove the .html file extension).
  • Generate a sitemap for your site and catalog. To speed up the indexing process, Adobe recommends adding the sitemap to Google Search Console.
  • Ensure that your product detail pages have metadata and structured data (for example, LD-JSON data is configured).

Performance and monitoring

  • Validate your storefront events implementation and ensure that data is displayed in your Live Search and Product Recommendation dashboards in the Adobe Commerce Admin.
  • Ensure that the site’s Lighthouse score is green; targeting 100 on every page (taking into account previous considerations mentioned on this document).

Project management and updates

  • Notify Adobe early about your planned launch date to ensure that the Adobe Commerce team is available to support you during the launch.
  • Check for the latest boilerplate changes and update your project accordingly.