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OrdersList container

The OrdersList container is a standalone component designed to provide access to a customer’s order history and detailed order information. It can be rendered in a full-size or minified view.

Use the full-size view when the OrdersList component functions as a standalone page. This view displays the complete list of orders, includes a filter for filtering by the date placed. It also features pagination, which is visible if the number of orders exceeds one page.

Full-size view with no order list items

Full-size view with no order list items

Full-size view with multiple items

Full-size view with multiple items

The minified view can be usef when the container is part of a page alongside other components, such as a user account dashboard. In this view, only a few of the most recent orders are displayed (the number is configurable). A View all orders button is rendered at the bottom, which navigates the customer to the full order history page.

Minified view with no items

Minified view with no items

Minified view with multiple items

Minified view with multiple items

OrdersList configurations

The OrdersList container provides the following configuration options:

classNamestringNoAllows custom CSS classes to be applied to the address container.
withHeaderbooleanNoWhether to show/hide container header.
minifiedViewbooleanNoWhether to enable/disable minified view.
withThumbnailsbooleanNoWhether to enable/disable product thumbnails on order cards.
withFilterbooleanNoWhether to enable/disable filter dropdown.
ordersInMinifiedViewnumberNoUsed only in minified view. Defines how many orders are visible in a minified view (default: 1).
pageSizenumberNoSets the pagination size (default: 10).
routeOrdersListfunctionNoUsed only in minified view. Determines where the “View all orders” button redirects the customer.
routeOrderDetailsfunctionNoDetermines where a click on the order card button (a chevron icon to the right of the order card) redirects the customer.
routeReturnDetailsfunctionNoDetermines where the return number link redirects the customer.
routeTrackingfunctionNoDetermines where the tracking number link redirects the customer.
routeOrderProductfunctionNoDetermines where the product thumbnail link redirects the customer.
slots.OrdersListActionslotNoOverrides or extends order actions (right side of the order card).
slots.OrdersListCardslotNoOverrides or extends order card details.


The following example demonstrates how to use the OrdersList container:

export default async function decorate(block) {
const { 'minified-view': minifiedViewConfig = 'false' } = readBlockConfig(block);
if (!checkIsAuthenticated()) {
window.location.href = CUSTOMER_LOGIN_PATH;
} else {
await accountRenderer.render(OrdersList, {
minifiedView: minifiedViewConfig === 'true',
routeOrdersList: () => CUSTOMER_ORDERS_PATH,
routeOrderDetails: (orderNumber) => `${CUSTOMER_ORDER_DETAILS_PATH}?orderRef=${orderNumber}`,
routeReturnDetails: ({ orderNumber, returnNumber }) => `${CUSTOMER_RETURN_DETAILS_PATH}?orderRef=${orderNumber}&returnRef=${returnNumber}`,
routeOrderProduct: (productData) => (productData ? `/products/${productData.product.urlKey}/${productData.product.sku}` : '#'),