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Order functions

The Order drop-in component provides the following API endpoints, allowing developers to perform various account-related operations and create custom implementations:


The cancelOrder function is a wrapper for the cancelOrder mutation. You must pass an order ID and reason,

export const cancelOrder = async (
orderId: string,
reason: string,
onSuccess: Function,
onError: Function
): Promise<void | null | undefined>
orderIdstringYesThe ID of the order to cancel.
reasonstringYesThe reason for canceling the order.
onSuccessFunctionNoThe callback function to execute when the order is successfully canceled.
onErrorFunctionNoThe callback function to execute when an error occurs.


Returns a promise that resolves to a void, null, or undefined value.


orderId: '12345',;
reason: 'I don't like the color;


The confirmCancelOrder function confirms the cancellation of an order after the guest user clicks on a URL provided in an order cancellation confirmation email. The confirmation key is generated when the guest requests to cancel an order.

orderId: string,
confirmationKey: string
): Promise<OrderDataModel>;
orderIdstringYesThe ID of the order to cancel.
confirmationKeystringYesA key generated when a guest requests to cancel an order.


Returns a promise that resolves to an OrderDataModel object.

type OrderDataModel = {
id: string;
orderStatusChangeDate?: string;
number: string;
email?: string;
token?: string;
status: string;
isVirtual: boolean;
totalQuantity: number;
shippingMethod?: string;
carrier?: string;
coupons: {
code: string;
payments: {
code: string;
name: string;
shipping?: { code: string; amount: number; currency: string };
shipments: ShipmentsModel[];
items: OrderItemModel[];
grandTotal: MoneyProps;
subtotal: MoneyProps;
totalTax: MoneyProps;
shippingAddress: OrderAddressModel;
billingAddress: OrderAddressModel;
availableActions: AvailableActionsProps[];


import { confirmCancelOrder } from './confirmCancelOrder';
const orderId = '12345';
const confirmationKey = 'abcde12345';
confirmCancelOrder(orderId, confirmationKey)
.then(response => {
console.log('Order cancellation confirmed:', response);
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error confirming order cancellation:', error);


The getAttributesForm function is a wrapper for the attributesForm query. You must pass an attribute code to retrieve the form.

export const getAttributesForm = async (
formCode: string
): Promise<AttributesFormModel[]>
formCodestringYesOne of "customer_account_create", "customer_account_edit", "customer_address_create", "customer_address_edit".


Returns a promise that resolves to an array of AttributesFormModel objects.

export interface AttributesFormItemsProps {
code?: string;
name?: string;
id?: string;
required?: boolean;
label?: string;
options?: { is_default: boolean; label: string; value: string }[];
entityType?: string;
className?: string;
defaultValue?: string | boolean | number;
fieldType?: FieldEnumList;
multilineCount?: number;
isUnique?: boolean;
orderNumber: number;
isHidden?: boolean;
customUpperCode: string;
validateRules: Record<string, string>[];
export interface AttributesFormModel extends AttributesFormItemsProps {}


getAttributesForm(formCode: 'customer_address_edit');


The getAttributesList function is a wrapper for the attributesList query. You must pass an attribute code to retrieve the list. The system default values are CUSTOMER, CUSTOMER_ADDRESS, CATALOG_PRODUCT and RMA_ITEM.

export const getAttributesList = async (
entityType: string
): Promise<AttributesFormModel[] | []>
entityTypestringYesThe entity type for which to retrieve the list of attributes.


Returns a promise that resolves to an array of AttributesFormModel objects or an empty array.

export interface AttributesFormItemsProps {
code?: string;
name?: string;
id?: string;
required?: boolean;
label?: string;
options?: { is_default: boolean; label: string; value: string }[];
entityType?: string;
className?: string;
defaultValue?: string | boolean | number;
fieldType?: FieldEnumList;
multilineCount?: number;
isUnique?: boolean;
orderNumber: number;
isHidden?: boolean;
customUpperCode: string;
validateRules: Record<string, string>[];
export interface AttributesFormModel extends AttributesFormItemsProps {}


getAttributesList(entityType: 'RMA_ITEM');


The getCustomer function is a wrapper for the customer query. You must pass a customer ID to retrieve the customer data.

export const getCustomer = async (): Promise<CustomerDataModelShort>


Returns a promise that resolves to a CustomerDataModelShort object.

export interface CustomerDataModelShort {
firstname: string;
lastname: string;
email: string;




The getCustomerOrdersReturn function returns details about the returns a customer has requested. It is a wrapper for the customer query.

export const getCustomerOrdersReturn = async (
pageSize = 10
): Promise<CustomerOrdersReturnModel | null>
pageSizenumberNoThe number of orders to return at a time.


Returns a promise that resolves to a CustomerOrdersReturnModel object or null.

export interface CustomerOrdersReturnModel {
ordersReturn: OrdersReturnPropsModel[];
pageInfo?: PageInfoProps;
export interface OrdersReturnItemsPropsModel extends OrderItemModel {
quantity: number;
requestQuantity: number;
status: string;
uid: string;
export interface PageInfoProps {
pageSize: number;
totalPages: number;
currentPage: number;


The following example demonstrates how to retrieve a customer’s return orders:



The getGuestOrder function is a wrapper for the guestOrder query.

export const getGuestOrder = async (form: {
number: string;
email: string;
lastname: string;
}): Promise<OrderDataModel | null>
numberstringYesThe order number.
emailstringYesThe email address associated with the order.
lastnamestringYesThe last name associated with the order.


Returns a promise that resolves to an OrderDataModel object or null.

type OrderDataModel = {
id: string;
orderStatusChangeDate?: string;
number: string;
email?: string;
token?: string;
status: string;
isVirtual: boolean;
totalQuantity: number;
shippingMethod?: string;
carrier?: string;
coupons: {
code: string;
payments: {
code: string;
name: string;
shipping?: { code: string; amount: number; currency: string };
shipments: ShipmentsModel[];
items: OrderItemModel[];
grandTotal: MoneyProps;
subtotal: MoneyProps;
totalTax: MoneyProps;
shippingAddress: OrderAddressModel;
billingAddress: OrderAddressModel;
availableActions: AvailableActionsProps[];


The following example demonstrates how to retrieve a guest order:

number: '12345',
email: '',
lastname: 'Doe'


The getOrderDetailsById function is a wrapper for the customer query. You must pass an order ID to retrieve the order details.

export const getOrderDetailsById = async <T extends QueryType>({
returnsPageSize = 50,
}: GetOrderDetailsByIdProps): Promise<TransformedData<T>>
orderIdstringYesThe ID of the order to retrieve.
returnRefbooleanNoWhether to return the reference.
queryTypeQueryTypeNoThe type of query to perform. Use orderData as the value
returnsPageSizenumberNoThe number of returns to return at a time.


Returns a promise that resolves to a TransformedData object.


type QueryType = ‘orderData’;

orderId?: string;
queryType: QueryType;


The getStoreConfig function returns information about the storefront configuration. It is a wrapper for the storeConfig query.

export const getStoreConfig = async (): Promise<StoreConfigModel | null>


Returns a promise that resolves to a StoreConfigModel object or null.

type StoreConfigModel = {
order_cancellation_enabled: boolean;
order_cancellation_reasons: {
description: string;


The following example demonstrates how to retrieve the store configuration:



The guestOrderByToken function retrieves a guest order using a token generated by Adobe Commerce. It is a wrapper for the guestOrderByToken query.

export const guestOrderByToken = async (
token?: string,
returnRef?: string
): Promise<OrderDataModel | null>
tokenstringNoA token for the order assigned by Adobe Commerce.
returnRefstringNoThe reference to return.


Returns a promise that resolves to an OrderDataModel object or null.

type OrderDataModel = {
id: string;
orderStatusChangeDate?: string;
number: string;
email?: string;
token?: string;
status: string;
isVirtual: boolean;
totalQuantity: number;
shippingMethod?: string;
carrier?: string;
coupons: {
code: string;
payments: {
code: string;
name: string;
shipping?: { code: string; amount: number; currency: string };
shipments: ShipmentsModel[];
items: OrderItemModel[];
grandTotal: MoneyProps;
subtotal: MoneyProps;
totalTax: MoneyProps;
shippingAddress: OrderAddressModel;
billingAddress: OrderAddressModel;
availableActions: AvailableActionsProps[];




The reorderItems function allows a logged-in customer to add all the products from a previous order into their cart. It is a wrapper for the reorderItems mutation.

export const reorderItems = async (
orderNumber: string
): Promise<ReorderItemsProps>
orderNumberstringYesThe order number to reorder.


Returns a promise that resolves to a ReorderItemsProps object.

export interface ReorderItemsResponse {
data: {
reorderItems: {
cart: {
itemsV2: {
items: { uid: string }[];
userInputErrors: UserInputErrorProps[];
errors?: {
message: string;


The following example demonstrates how to reorder items from a previous order:

reorderItems(orderNumber: string);


The requestGuestOrderCancel function is simmilar to the cancelOrder function, but it is used for guest orders. The token is a unique value generated using guest’s email, order number and postcode

export const requestGuestOrderCancel = async (
token: string,
reason: string,
onSuccess: Function,
onError: Function
): Promise<void>
tokenstringYesThe token for the order assigned by Adobe Commerce.
reasonstringYesThe reason for canceling the order.
onSuccessFunctionNoThe callback function to execute when the order is successfully canceled.
onErrorFunctionNoThe callback function to execute when an error occurs.


Returns a promise that resolves to a boolean value.


token: `abcde12345`,;
reason: `It is too big`;
): boolean


The requestReturn function takes the RequestReturnProps form as an argument and initiates the process of returning items from an order. It is a wrapper for the requestReturn mutation.

export const requestReturn = async (
form: RequestReturnProps
): Promise<{
uid: string;
number: string;
status: string;
createdAt: string;
formRequestReturnPropsYesThe form data for the return request.

The RequestReturnProps object has the following properties:

export interface RequestReturnProps {
orderUid: string;
contactEmail: string;
items: {
orderItemUid: string;
quantityToReturn: number;
selectedCustomAttributes?: { attribute_code: string; value: string }[];
enteredCustomAttributes?: { attribute_code: string; value: string }[];


Returns a promise that resolves to an object containing the return request details.

