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The default order dictionary file (i18n/en_US.json) contains the default values for all labels and text common to the order drop-in component.
{ Order: { CreateReturn: { headerText: Return items, downloadableCount: Files, returnedItems: Returned items:, stockStatus: { inStock: In stock, outOfStock: Out of stock }, giftCard: { sender: Sender, recipient: Recipient, message: Note }, success: { title: Return submitted, message: Your return request has been successfully submitted. }, buttons: { nextStep: Continue, backStep: Back, submit: Submit return, backStore: Back to order } }, OrderCostSummary: { headerText: Order summary, headerReturnText: Return summary, subtotal: { title: Subtotal }, shipping: { title: Shipping, freeShipping: Free shipping }, tax: { accordionTitle: Taxes, accordionTotalTax: Tax Total, totalExcludingTaxes: Total excluding taxes, title: Tax, incl: Including taxes, excl: Excluding taxes }, discount: { title: Discount, subtitle: discounted }, total: { title: Total } }, Returns: { minifiedView: { returnsList: { viewAllOrdersButton: View all returns, ariaLabelLink: Redirect to full order information, emptyOrdersListMessage: No returns, minifiedViewTitle: Recent returns, orderNumber: Order number:, returnNumber: Return number:, carrier: Carrier:, itemText: { none: , one: item, many: items }, returnStatus: { pending: Pending, authorized: Authorized, partiallyAuthorized: Partially authorized, received: Received, partiallyReceived: Partially received, approved: Approved, partiallyApproved: Partially approved, rejected: Rejected, partiallyRejected: Partially rejected, denied: Denied, processedAndClosed: Processed and closed, closed: Closed } } }, fullSizeView: { returnsList: { viewAllOrdersButton: View all orders, ariaLabelLink: Redirect to full order information, emptyOrdersListMessage: No returns, minifiedViewTitle: Returns, orderNumber: Order number:, returnNumber: Return number:, carrier: Carrier:, itemText: { none: , one: item, many: items }, returnStatus: { pending: Pending, authorized: Authorized, partiallyAuthorized: Partially authorized, received: Received, partiallyReceived: Partially received, approved: Approved, partiallyApproved: Partially approved, rejected: Rejected, partiallyRejected: Partially rejected, denied: Denied, processedAndClosed: Processed and closed, closed: Closed } } } }, OrderProductListContent: { cancelledTitle: Cancelled, allOrdersTitle: Your order, returnedTitle: Returned, refundedTitle: Your refunded, downloadableCount: Files, stockStatus: { inStock: In stock, outOfStock: Out of stock }, GiftCard: { sender: Sender, recipient: Recipient, message: Note } }, OrderSearchForm: { title: Enter your information to view order details, description: You can find your order number in the receipt you received via email., button: View Order, email: Email, lastname: Last Name, orderNumber: Order Number }, Form: { notifications: { requiredFieldError: This is a required field. } }, ShippingStatusCard: { orderNumber: Order number:, returnNumber: Return number:, itemText: { none: , one: Package contents ({{count}} item), many: Package contents ({{count}} items) }, trackButton: Track package, carrier: Carrier:, prepositionOf: of, returnOrderCardTitle: Package details, shippingCardTitle: Package details, shippingInfoTitle: Shipping information, notYetShippedTitle: Not yet shipped, notYetShippedImagesTitle: { singular: Package contents ({{count}} item), plural: Package contents ({{count}} items) } }, OrderStatusContent: { noInfoTitle: Check back later for more details., returnMessage: The order was placed on {ORDER_CREATE_DATE} and your return process started on {RETURN_CREATE_DATE}, returnStatus: { pending: Pending, authorized: Authorized, partiallyAuthorized: Partially authorized, received: Received, partiallyReceived: Partially received, approved: Approved, partiallyApproved: Partially approved, rejected: Rejected, partiallyRejected: Partially rejected, denied: Denied, processedAndClosed: Processed and closed, closed: Closed }, actions: { cancel: Cancel order, createReturn: Return or replace, createAnotherReturn: Start another return, reorder: Reorder }, orderPending: { title: Pending, message: The order was successfully placed on {DATE} and your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships., messageWithoutDate: Your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. }, orderProcessing: { title: Processing, message: The order was successfully placed on {DATE} and your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships., messageWithoutDate: Your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. }, orderOnHold: { title: On hold, message: We’ve run into an issue while processing your order on {DATE}. Please check back later or contact us at for more information., messageWithoutDate: We’ve run into an issue while processing your order. Please check back later or contact us at for more information. }, orderReceived: { title: Order received, message: The order was successfully placed on {DATE} and your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships., messageWithoutDate: Your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. }, orderComplete: { title: Complete, message: Your order is complete. Need help with your order? Contact us at }, orderCanceled: { title: Canceled, message: This order was cancelled by you. You should see a refund to your original payment method with 5-7 business days., messageWithoutDate: This order was cancelled by you. You should see a refund to your original payment method with 5-7 business days. }, orderSuspectedFraud: { title: Suspected fraud, message: We’ve run into an issue while processing your order on {DATE}. Please check back later or contact us at for more information., messageWithoutDate: We’ve run into an issue while processing your order. Please check back later or contact us at for more information. }, orderPaymentReview: { title: Payment Review, message: The order was successfully placed on {DATE} and your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships., messageWithoutDate: Your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. }, guestOrderCancellationRequested: { title: cancellation requested, message: The cancellation has been requested on {DATE}. Check your email for further instructions., messageWithoutDate: The cancellation has been requested. Check your email for further instructions. } }, CustomerDetails: { headerText: Customer information, freeShipping: Free shipping, orderReturnLabels: { createdReturnAt: Return requested on: , returnStatusLabel: Return status: , orderNumberLabel: Order number: }, returnStatus: { pending: Pending, authorized: Authorized, partiallyAuthorized: Partially authorized, received: Received, partiallyReceived: Partially received, approved: Approved, partiallyApproved: Partially approved, rejected: Rejected, partiallyRejected: Partially rejected, denied: Denied, processedAndClosed: Processed and closed, closed: Closed }, email: { title: Contact details }, shippingAddress: { title: Shipping address }, shippingMethods: { title: Shipping method }, billingAddress: { title: Billing address }, paymentMethods: { title: Payment method }, returnInformation: { title: Return details } }, Errors: { invalidOrder: Invalid order. Please try again., invalidSearch: No order found with these order details. }, OrderCancel: { buttonText: Cancel Order }, OrderCancelForm: { title: Cancel order, description: Select a reason for canceling the order, label: Reason for cancel, button: Submit Cancellation, errorHeading: Error, errorDescription: There was an error processing your order cancellation. } }}