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PlaceOrder container

The PlaceOrder container is designed to handle the final step in the checkout process, where the user confirms and places their order. You can configure it to handle the place order action and manage the main slot for the place order button.

PlaceOrder configurations

The PlaceOrder container provides the following configuration options:

handleValidationfunctionNoA function that performs validation checks and returns a boolean indicating whether the validation passed
onPlaceOrderfunctionNoAn asynchronous function that handles the order placement process. It receives a context object containing the selected payment method code.


The following example renders the PlaceOrder container on a checkout page. It includes functionality to validate login, shipping, and billing forms before placing an order. If the validation passes, it attempts to place the order and handles any errors that occur during the process.

import * as checkoutApi from '@dropins/storefront-checkout/api.js';
import PlaceOrder from '@dropins/storefront-checkout/containers/PlaceOrder.js';
import { render as CheckoutProvider } from '@dropins/storefront-checkout/render.js';
const $placeOrder = checkoutFragment.querySelector('.checkout__place-order');
CheckoutProvider.render(PlaceOrder, {
handleValidation: () => {
let success = true;
const forms = document.forms;
const loginForm = forms[LOGIN_FORM_NAME];
if (loginForm) {
success = loginForm.checkValidity();
if (!success) scrollToElement($login);
const shippingForm = forms[SHIPPING_FORM_NAME];
if (
success &&
shippingFormRef.current &&
shippingForm &&
) {
success = shippingFormRef.current.handleValidationSubmit(false);
const billingForm = forms[BILLING_FORM_NAME];
if (
success &&
billingFormRef.current &&
billingForm &&
) {
success = billingFormRef.current.handleValidationSubmit(false);
return success;
onPlaceOrder: async () => {
try {
await checkoutApi.placeOrder();
} catch (error) {
throw error;
} finally {