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Cart functions

The cart drop-in component provides API functions that allow developers to retrieve and display detailed cart information dynamically.


The addProductsToCart function adds products to a cart. You must supply a sku and quantityfor each product. The other parameters are specified for complex product types. The function calls the addProductsToCart mutation.

export const addProductsToCart = async (
items: {
sku: string;
parentSku?: string;
quantity: number;
optionsUIDs?: string[];
enteredOptions?: { uid: string; value: string }[];
): Promise<CartModel | null>
skustringYesThe SKU of the product.
parentSkustringNoFor a child product, the SKU of its parent product.
quantitynumberYesThe amount or number of an item to add.
optionsUIDsstring[]NoThe selected options for the base product, such as color or size, using the unique ID for an object.
enteredOptions{ uid: string; value: string }[]NoAn array of entered options for the base product, such as personalization text.


Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel object or null. The CartModel object has the following shape:

export interface CartModel {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];
interface TotalPriceModifier {
amount: Price;
label: string;
coupon?: Coupon;
interface FixedProductTax {
amount: Price;
label: string;
export interface Item {
taxedPrice: Price;
rowTotal: Price;
rowTotalIncludingTax: Price;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: ItemURL;
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: ItemImage;
links?: ItemLinks;
price: Price;
total: Price;
discountedTotal?: Price;
discount?: Price;
regularPrice: Price;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: String;
discountPercentage?: number;
savingsAmount?: Price;
productAttributes?: Attribute[];
fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];
interface ItemError {
id: string;
text: string;
interface ItemImage {
src: string;
alt: string;
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: string;
interface ItemURL {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
interface ItemLinks {
count: number;
result: string;
interface AttributeOption {
value: string;
label: string;
interface Attribute {
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: AttributeOption[];
interface Coupon {
code: string;


The event bus emits the cart/updated and cart/data events with the CartModel as the data payload. It also publishes add-to-cart or remove-from-cart events to the Adobe Client Data Layer (ACDL).


To add a simple product to the cart:

sku: 'VA19-GO-NA',
quantity: 1,

To add a configurable product to the cart:

sku: 'VSW01',
quantity: 1,
optionsUIDs: ['Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzE1Ny8zMQ==', 'Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzE5MC80NA=='],


The applyCouponsToCart function applies one or more predefined coupon codes to the specified cart. Any previously applied coupons are replaced. The function calls the applyCouponsToCart mutation.

export const applyCouponsToCart = async (
couponCodes: string[],
type: ApplyCouponsStrategy
): Promise<CartModel | null>
couponCodesstringYesAn array of coupon codes to apply to the cart.
typeApplyCouponsStrategyYesIndicates whether the specified coupons replace (REPLACE) or are added (APPEND) to any previously applied coupons.


Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel object or null. The CartModel object has the following shape:

export interface CartModel {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];
interface TotalPriceModifier {
amount: Price;
label: string;
coupon?: Coupon;
interface FixedProductTax {
amount: Price;
label: string;
export interface Item {
taxedPrice: Price;
rowTotal: Price;
rowTotalIncludingTax: Price;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: ItemURL;
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: ItemImage;
links?: ItemLinks;
price: Price;
total: Price;
discountedTotal?: Price;
discount?: Price;
regularPrice: Price;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: String;
discountPercentage?: number;
savingsAmount?: Price;
productAttributes?: Attribute[];
fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];
interface ItemError {
id: string;
text: string;
interface ItemImage {
src: string;
alt: string;
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: string;
interface ItemURL {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
interface ItemLinks {
count: number;
result: string;
interface AttributeOption {
value: string;
label: string;
interface Attribute {
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: AttributeOption[];
interface Coupon {
code: string;


The event bus emits the cart/updated and cart/data events with the CartModel as the data payload.


To apply a single coupon, replacing any existing coupons in the cart:

import { applyCouponsToCart } from '@/cart/api/applyCouponsToCart';
applyCouponsToCart(['COUPON1'], 'REPLACE');

To apply multiple coupons to the cart:

import { applyCouponsToCart } from '@/cart/api/applyCouponsToCart';
applyCouponsToCart(['COUPON1', 'COUPON2', 'COUPON3'], 'APPEND');


A function that applies or replaces one or more coupons to the cart.

import { applyCouponsToCart } from '@/cart/api/applyCouponsToCart';

Apply or replace a single coupon to the cart:


Apply or replace multiple coupons to the cart:

applyCouponsToCart(['COUPON1', 'COUPON2', 'COUPON3']);

Here’s the shape of the data returned from the applyCouponsToCart function:

type CartModel = {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];


The createEmptyCart function creates an empty shopping cart for a guest or logged in customer. It returns a cart ID. The function calls the createEmptyCart mutation.

export const createEmptyCart = async();


The data returned is a new empty cart ID as a string:

type EmptyCartId = string;

If guest carts have been disabled from the Admin, the function returns an error.


To create an empty cart:

import { createEmptyCart } from '@/cart/api/createEmptyCart';


The getCartData function is mainly used internally by the initializeCart() and refreshCart() functions. If you need detailed information about the current user’s shopping cart, a more optimal approach is to listen for cart/data or cart/updated events so that you do not need to make another network call.

export const getCartData = async (): Promise<CartModel | null>


Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel object or null. The CartModel object has the following shape:

export interface CartModel {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];
interface TotalPriceModifier {
amount: Price;
label: string;
coupon?: Coupon;
interface FixedProductTax {
amount: Price;
label: string;
export interface Item {
taxedPrice: Price;
rowTotal: Price;
rowTotalIncludingTax: Price;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: ItemURL;
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: ItemImage;
links?: ItemLinks;
price: Price;
total: Price;
discountedTotal?: Price;
discount?: Price;
regularPrice: Price;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: String;
discountPercentage?: number;
savingsAmount?: Price;
productAttributes?: Attribute[];
fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];
interface ItemError {
id: string;
text: string;
interface ItemImage {
src: string;
alt: string;
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: string;
interface ItemURL {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
interface ItemLinks {
count: number;
result: string;
interface AttributeOption {
value: string;
label: string;
interface Attribute {
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: AttributeOption[];
interface Coupon {
code: string;


To get detailed information about the user’s shopping cart:

import { getCartData } from '@/cart/api/getCartData';


A function that returns estimated totals for cart based on an address. It takes an address parameter.

export const getEstimatedTotals = async (
address: EstimateAddressShippingInput
): Promise<CartModel | null>
addressEstimateAddressShippingInputYesDefines the shipping address for the estimate.

The EstimateAddressShippingInput object has the following parameters:

countryCodestringYesThe two-letter code representing the user's country.
postcodestringNoThe user's ZIP or postal code.
regionobjectNoAn object containing the region name, region code, and region ID.
region.regionstringNoThe state or province name.
region.idnumberNoThe unique ID for a pre-defined region.
shipping_methodobjectNoDefines the shipping carrier and method.
shipping_method.carrier_codestringNoA string that identifies a commercial carrier or an offline delivery method.
shipping_method.method_codestringNoA string that indicates which service a commercial carrier will use to ship items.


Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel object or null. The CartModel object has the following shape:

export interface CartModel {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];
interface TotalPriceModifier {
amount: Price;
label: string;
coupon?: Coupon;
interface FixedProductTax {
amount: Price;
label: string;
export interface Item {
taxedPrice: Price;
rowTotal: Price;
rowTotalIncludingTax: Price;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: ItemURL;
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: ItemImage;
links?: ItemLinks;
price: Price;
total: Price;
discountedTotal?: Price;
discount?: Price;
regularPrice: Price;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: String;
discountPercentage?: number;
savingsAmount?: Price;
productAttributes?: Attribute[];
fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];
interface ItemError {
id: string;
text: string;
interface ItemImage {
src: string;
alt: string;
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: string;
interface ItemURL {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
interface ItemLinks {
count: number;
result: string;
interface AttributeOption {
value: string;
label: string;
interface Attribute {
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: AttributeOption[];
interface Coupon {
code: string;


To get estimated totals for the cart based on an address:

import { getEstimatedTotals } from '@/cart/api/getEstimatedTotals';
address: {
countryCode: string,
postcode?: string,
region?: {
region?: string,
code?: string,
id?: number,

Here’s the shape of the data returned from the getEstimatedTotals function:

type EstimatedTotals = {
cartId: string;
address: {
countryCode: string;
postcode?: string;
region?: {
region?: string;
code?: string;
id?: number;
shippingMethod: {
carrierCode: string;
methodCode: string;


The getEstimateShipping function returns a list of shipping methods and the estimated shipping costs, based on the country ID. The function calls the estimateShippingMethods mutation.

export const getEstimateShipping = async (
address: EstimateAddressInput
): Promise<any | null>
addressEstimateAddressInputNoDefines the shipping address for the estimate.

The EstimateAddressInput object has the following parameters:

countryCodestringYesThe two-letter code representing the user's country.
postcodestringNoThe user's ZIP or postal code.
regionobjectNoAn object containing the region name, region code, and region ID.
region.regionstringNoThe state or province name.
region.codestringNoThe address region code.
region.idnumberNoThe unique ID for a pre-defined region.


Returns a promise that contains shipping data or null. The EstimatedShipping object has the following shape:

type EstimatedShipping = {
cartId: string;
address: {
countryCode: string;
postcode?: string;
region?: {
region?: string;
code?: string;
id?: number;
shippingMethod: {
carrierCode: string;
methodCode: string;


The event bus emits the shipping/estimate event, which contains data about the address and shipping method.


To get an estimate of the shipping costs:

import { getEstimateShipping } from '@/cart/api/getEstimateShipping';
countryCode: 'US',
region: {
code: 'NY',


The getStoreConfig function returns information about a store’s configuration. The function calls the storeConfig query.

export const getStoreConfig = async (): Promise<StoreConfigModel | null>


Returns a promise that resolves to a StoreConfigModel object or null. The StoreConfigModel object has the following shape:

type StoreConfigModel = {
displayMiniCart: boolean;
miniCartMaxItemsDisplay: number;
cartExpiresInDays: number;
cartSummaryDisplayTotal: number;
defaultCountry: string;
categoryFixedProductTaxDisplaySetting: string;
productFixedProductTaxDisplaySetting: string;
salesFixedProductTaxDisplaySetting: string;
shoppingCartDisplaySetting: {
fullSummary: boolean;
grandTotal: boolean;
price: number | string;
shipping: number | string;
subtotal: number | string;
taxGiftWrapping: string;
zeroTax: boolean;


To get cart-related configuration values:

import { getStoreConfig } from '@/cart/api/getStoreConfig';


The initializeCart function initializes a guest or customer cart. This function is automatically called during the initialize phase of a dropin’s lifecycle. You do not need to call this manually. It also emits the cart/initialized and cart/data events.

export const initializeCart = async (): Promise<CartModel | null>


Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel object or null. The CartModel object has the following shape:

export interface CartModel {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];
interface TotalPriceModifier {
amount: Price;
label: string;
coupon?: Coupon;
interface FixedProductTax {
amount: Price;
label: string;
export interface Item {
taxedPrice: Price;
rowTotal: Price;
rowTotalIncludingTax: Price;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: ItemURL;
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: ItemImage;
links?: ItemLinks;
price: Price;
total: Price;
discountedTotal?: Price;
discount?: Price;
regularPrice: Price;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: String;
discountPercentage?: number;
savingsAmount?: Price;
productAttributes?: Attribute[];
fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];
interface ItemError {
id: string;
text: string;
interface ItemImage {
src: string;
alt: string;
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: string;
interface ItemURL {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
interface ItemLinks {
count: number;
result: string;
interface AttributeOption {
value: string;
label: string;
interface Attribute {
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: AttributeOption[];
interface Coupon {
code: string;


The event bus emits the cart/initialized event and the cart/data event, which contains data about the address and shipping method.


To initialize a cart:

import { initializeCart } from '@/cart/api/initializeCart';


The refreshCart function refreshes the cart data.

export const refreshCart = async (): Promise<CartModel | null>


Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel object or null. The CartModel object has the following shape:

export interface CartModel {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];
interface TotalPriceModifier {
amount: Price;
label: string;
coupon?: Coupon;
interface FixedProductTax {
amount: Price;
label: string;
export interface Item {
taxedPrice: Price;
rowTotal: Price;
rowTotalIncludingTax: Price;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: ItemURL;
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: ItemImage;
links?: ItemLinks;
price: Price;
total: Price;
discountedTotal?: Price;
discount?: Price;
regularPrice: Price;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: String;
discountPercentage?: number;
savingsAmount?: Price;
productAttributes?: Attribute[];
fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];
interface ItemError {
id: string;
text: string;
interface ItemImage {
src: string;
alt: string;
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: string;
interface ItemURL {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
interface ItemLinks {
count: number;
result: string;
interface AttributeOption {
value: string;
label: string;
interface Attribute {
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: AttributeOption[];
interface Coupon {
code: string;


The event bus emits the cart/updated and cart/data events.


To refresh the cart data:

import { refreshCart } from '@/cart/api/refreshCart';


This function resets the cart drop-in. As a result, the cart ID is set to null and the authenticated status is set to false.

export const resetCart = (): Promise<CartModel | null>


Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel object or null. The CartModel object has the following shape:

export interface CartModel {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];
interface TotalPriceModifier {
amount: Price;
label: string;
coupon?: Coupon;
interface FixedProductTax {
amount: Price;
label: string;
export interface Item {
taxedPrice: Price;
rowTotal: Price;
rowTotalIncludingTax: Price;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: ItemURL;
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: ItemImage;
links?: ItemLinks;
price: Price;
total: Price;
discountedTotal?: Price;
discount?: Price;
regularPrice: Price;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: String;
discountPercentage?: number;
savingsAmount?: Price;
productAttributes?: Attribute[];
fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];
interface ItemError {
id: string;
text: string;
interface ItemImage {
src: string;
alt: string;
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: string;
interface ItemURL {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
interface ItemLinks {
count: number;
result: string;
interface AttributeOption {
value: string;
label: string;
interface Attribute {
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: AttributeOption[];
interface Coupon {
code: string;


To reset the cart:

import { resetCart } from '@/cart/api/resetCart';


The updateProductsFromCart function updates the quantity of a product in the cart. The specified quantity replaces the current quantity. Setting the quantity to 0 removes an item from the cart. The function calls the updateCartItems mutation.

export const updateProductsFromCart = async (
items: UpdateProductsFromCart
): Promise<CartModel | null>
itemsUpdateProductsFromCartYesAn input object that defines products to be updated.

The UpdateProductsFromCart object has the following parameters:

uidstringYesThe unique ID of an item in the cart.
quantitynumberYesThe new quantity of the item.


Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel object or null. The CartModel object has the following shape:

export interface CartModel {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];
interface TotalPriceModifier {
amount: Price;
label: string;
coupon?: Coupon;
interface FixedProductTax {
amount: Price;
label: string;
export interface Item {
taxedPrice: Price;
rowTotal: Price;
rowTotalIncludingTax: Price;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: ItemURL;
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: ItemImage;
links?: ItemLinks;
price: Price;
total: Price;
discountedTotal?: Price;
discount?: Price;
regularPrice: Price;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: String;
discountPercentage?: number;
savingsAmount?: Price;
productAttributes?: Attribute[];
fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];
interface ItemError {
id: string;
text: string;
interface ItemImage {
src: string;
alt: string;
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: string;
interface ItemURL {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
interface ItemLinks {
count: number;
result: string;
interface AttributeOption {
value: string;
label: string;
interface Attribute {
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: AttributeOption[];
interface Coupon {
code: string;


This function emits the cart/updated and cart/data events. It also publishes add-to-cart or remove-from-cart events to the Adobe Client Data Layer (ACDL).


To set the quantity of an item in the cart to 3.

import { updateProductsFromCart } from '@/cart/api/updateProductsFromCart';
uid: ''VA19-GO-NA,
quantity: 3,

To remove the item from the cart.

import { updateProductsFromCart } from '@/cart/api/updateProductsFromCart';
uid: 'VA19-GO-NA',
quantity: 0,