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OrderSummary container

The OrderSummary container displays a detailed summary of the shopper’s order. It includes the subtotal, taxes, shipping costs, and total amount due. It optionally applies discounts or coupons.

OrderSummary container

OrderSummary container

This container supports the Coupon and EstimatedShipping slots.


The OrderSummary container provides the following configuration options:

childrenVNode[]NoThe child elements to be rendered inside the order summary.
initialDataCartModel | nullNoThe initial data for the order summary. Defaults to null.
routeCheckoutfunctionNoFunction to generate the URL for the checkout page.
slotsSlotNoSlot props for customizing the estimate shipping and coupons display.
errorsbooleanYesFlag to indicate if there are errors in the order summary.
showTotalSavedbooleanNoFlag to show the total amount saved in the order summary.
enableCouponsbooleanNoFlag to enable or disable the coupons section.
updateLineItemsfunctionNoFunction to update the line items in the order summary. Defaults to returning the same items.

The CartModel object has the following shape:

export interface CartModel {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];
interface TotalPriceModifier {
amount: Price;
label: string;
coupon?: Coupon;
interface FixedProductTax {
amount: Price;
label: string;
export interface Item {
taxedPrice: Price;
rowTotal: Price;
rowTotalIncludingTax: Price;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: ItemURL;
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: ItemImage;
links?: ItemLinks;
price: Price;
total: Price;
discountedTotal?: Price;
discount?: Price;
regularPrice: Price;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: String;
discountPercentage?: number;
savingsAmount?: Price;
productAttributes?: Attribute[];
fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];
interface ItemError {
id: string;
text: string;
interface ItemImage {
src: string;
alt: string;
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: string;
interface ItemURL {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
interface ItemLinks {
count: number;
result: string;
interface AttributeOption {
value: string;
label: string;
interface Attribute {
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: AttributeOption[];
interface Coupon {
code: string;

Supported slots

The OrderSummary container supports the Coupons and EstimateShipping slots.

Example configuration

The following example demonstrates how to render the OrderSummary container with the EstimateShipping and Coupons slots:

provider.render(OrderSummary, {
routeCheckout: () => '#checkout',
errors: ctx.hasErrors,
slots: {
EstimateShipping: (ctx) => {
const estimateShippingForm = document.createElement('div');
provider.render(EstimateShipping, {
showDefaultEstimatedShippingCost: true
Coupons: (ctx) => {
const coupons = document.createElement('div');
showTotalSaved: true