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CartSummaryList container

The CartSummaryList container displays a summary of the items in the shopping cart by rendering a list of CartItem components. Each CartItem represents an individual item in the cart.

CartSummaryList container

CartSummaryList container


The CartSummaryList container provides the following configuration options:

childrenCartModelYesChild elements to be rendered inside the container.
routeProductfunctionNoCallback function that returns a product.
routeEmptyCartCTAfunctionNoCallback function that returns an empty cart.
initialDatastringYesInitial cart data to preload the component. Defaults to null.
hideHeadingbooleanNoWhether to hide the heading of the cart.
hideFooterbooleanNoWhether to hide the footer of the cart.
routeProductfunctionNoCallback function that returns a product.
routeEmptyCartCTAfunctionNoCallback function that returns an empty cart.
routeCartfunctionNoCallback function that navigates to the cart.
onItemUpdatefunctionNoCallback function that updates the item.
onItemRemovefunctionNoCallback function that removes the item.
maxItemsnumberNoMaximum number of items to display.
slotsfunctionNoAllows passing a container or custom component.
attributesToHidestring[]NoAttributes to hide.
enableRemoveItembooleanNoEnable remove item.
enableUpdateItemQuantitybooleanNoEnable update item quantity.
onItemsErrorsChangefunctionNoCallback function that changes the items errors.
accordionbooleanNoToggle accordion view.
variant0NoCart variant.
isLoadingbooleanNoToggle loading state.
showMaxItemsbooleanNoToggle show max items.
showDiscountbooleanNoToggle show discount.
showSavingsbooleanNoToggle show savings.
quantityType0NoDisplay quantity changes as a stepper or in a dropdown menu.
dropdownOptionsstring[]NoAn array of items to display in a dropdown menu.

The CartModel object has the following shape:

export interface CartModel {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];
interface TotalPriceModifier {
amount: Price;
label: string;
coupon?: Coupon;
interface FixedProductTax {
amount: Price;
label: string;
export interface Item {
taxedPrice: Price;
rowTotal: Price;
rowTotalIncludingTax: Price;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: ItemURL;
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: ItemImage;
links?: ItemLinks;
price: Price;
total: Price;
discountedTotal?: Price;
discount?: Price;
regularPrice: Price;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: String;
discountPercentage?: number;
savingsAmount?: Price;
productAttributes?: Attribute[];
fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];
interface ItemError {
id: string;
text: string;
interface ItemImage {
src: string;
alt: string;
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: string;
interface ItemURL {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
interface ItemLinks {
count: number;
result: string;
interface AttributeOption {
value: string;
label: string;
interface Attribute {
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: AttributeOption[];
interface Coupon {
code: string;

Supported slots

The CartSummaryList container supports the following slots:

  • Heading
  • EmptyCart
  • Footer
  • Thumbnail
  • ProductAttributes
  • CartSummaryFooter

Example configuration

The following example demonstrates how to render the CartSummaryList container with the routeProduct and routeEmptyCartCTA callbacks:

provider.render(CartSummaryList, {
enableRemoveItem: true,
enableUpdateItemQuantity: true,
showDiscount: true,
// accordion: true,
// showMaxItems: false,
// maxItems: 6,
// routeCart: () => '#cart',
// showSavings: true,
// quantityType: 'dropdown',
// dropdownOptions: [
// { value: '1', text: '1' },
// { value: '2', text: '2' },
// { value: '3', text: '3' },
// ],
routeProduct: (item) => {
return `${item.url.categories.join('/')}/${item.url.urlKey}`;
routeEmptyCartCTA: () => '#empty-cart',
slots: {
Footer: (ctx) => {
// Runs on mount
const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
// Append Product Promotions on every update
ctx.onChange((next) => {
wrapper.innerHTML = '';
next.item?.discount?.label?.forEach((label) => {
const discount = document.createElement('div'); = '#3d3d3d';
discount.innerText = label;