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CartSummaryGrid container

The CartSummaryGrid container manages and displays the contents of the shopping cart in a grid layout. Its state is managed by the CartModel interface, which contains the cart’s initial data and is passed down to any child components.

CartSummaryGrid container

CartSummaryGrid container


The CartSummaryGrid container provides the following configuration options:

childrenCartModelYesChild elements to be rendered inside the container.
initialDatastringYesInitial cart data to preload the component. Defaults to null
routeProductfunctionNoCallback function that returns a product.
routeEmptyCartCTAfunctionNoCallback function that returns an empty cart.

The CartModel object has the following shape:

export interface CartModel {
id: string;
totalQuantity: number;
errors?: ItemError[];
items: Item[];
miniCartMaxItems: Item[];
total: {
includingTax: Price;
excludingTax: Price;
discount?: Price;
subtotal: {
excludingTax: Price;
includingTax: Price;
includingDiscountOnly: Price;
appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[];
totalTax?: Price;
appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[];
shipping?: Price;
isVirtual?: boolean;
addresses: {
shipping?: {
countryCode: string;
zipCode?: string;
regionCode?: string;
isGuestCart?: boolean;
hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean;
appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];
interface TotalPriceModifier {
amount: Price;
label: string;
coupon?: Coupon;
interface FixedProductTax {
amount: Price;
label: string;
export interface Item {
taxedPrice: Price;
rowTotal: Price;
rowTotalIncludingTax: Price;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: ItemURL;
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: ItemImage;
links?: ItemLinks;
price: Price;
total: Price;
discountedTotal?: Price;
discount?: Price;
regularPrice: Price;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: String;
discountPercentage?: number;
savingsAmount?: Price;
productAttributes?: Attribute[];
fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];
interface ItemError {
id: string;
text: string;
interface ItemImage {
src: string;
alt: string;
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: string;
interface ItemURL {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
interface ItemLinks {
count: number;
result: string;
interface AttributeOption {
value: string;
label: string;
interface Attribute {
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: AttributeOption[];
interface Coupon {
code: string;

Example configuration

The following example demonstrates how to render the CartSummaryGrid container with the routeProduct and routeEmptyCartCTA callbacks:

provider.render(CartSummaryGrid, {
routeProduct: (item) => {
return `${item.url.categories.join('/')}/${item.url.urlKey}`;
routeEmptyCartCTA: () => '#empty-cart',