API Mesh

API Mesh for Adobe Developer App Builder

API Mesh for Adobe Developer App Builder is a decoupled API platform that enables enterprise and mid-market developers to integrate private and third-party APIs and other software interfaces with Adobe products using Adobe IO.

API Mesh allows developers to combine multiple data sources into a single GraphQL endpoint. Unlike working with APIs, the GraphQL query language lets you determine the information the response contains.

By serving multiple sources through a single gateway and providing customized responses, API Mesh creates a better end-user experience for accessing your backend services.


  • Adobe API Manager - A reverse proxy that accepts most API calls for many backend services
  • Configurable Integrations - Low/No-code method to integrate with your own private APIs with Adobe Commerce, other Adobe products, and third-party APIs
  • Backwards Compatibility - Preserve existing APIs while gradually adopting new ones
  • Extensibility - Customize and extend your APIs directly in the gateway without making changes to the API source

Use the following sections to learn more about the API Mesh and extensibility at Adobe.

API Mesh for Adobe Developer App Builder

Allows developers to integrate private and third-party APIs and other software interfaces with Adobe Commerce and other Adobe products using Adobe IO.

Reference documentation

View the reference documentation to learn detailed information about using handlers and transforms with API Mesh.

App Builder

Is a complete framework that enables enterprise developers to build and deploy custom web applications that extend Adobe Experience Cloud solutions and run on Adobe infrastructure.

Adobe I/O Events for Adobe Commerce

Makes Commerce transactional data available to App Builder using Adobe I/O. You can define the events to transmit data each time an event triggers, or only under circumstances defined within configuration rules.

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