Install Google Shopping ads Channel

The Google Shopping ads extension installs and adds Google Shopping features to Magento. To review additional information, see the Google Shopping ads Channel Marketplace page.


  • Magento Instance: Google Shopping ads Channel can be installed on instances with Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce versions 2.2.4+ and 2.3.x. We do not support the extension on Magento 2.1 or Magento 1.
  • Magento Web Account: You should have a Magento web account, which is used to create and track an API key.
  • API Key: Get a Google Shopping ads API key through your Magento web account. The following instructions include these steps.
  • Google accounts: During onboarding, you will create and configure any required Google accounts and settings. Consider using email accounts for your business as the account will be the primary owner (admin) of the Google, Google Merchant Center and Google Ads accounts you set in this integration.
    • Google account: We recommend using a Google account for your business or company, not a personal Google account.
    • Google Merchant Center account: You will create these accounts during onboarding. You cannot use an existing GMC account. If you have store URLs claimed and verified by an existing GMC account, you will need to unclaim.
    • Google Ads account: You will create these accounts during onboarding. You cannot use an existing Google ads account.


Google Shopping ads Channel install is a .zip file available from the Magento Marketplace. It includes a composer.json which provides the name magento/google-shopping-ads and the available version.

  1. Log in with your Magento web account.
  2. Click the Marketplace tab, then click My Purchases.
  3. Locate and select Google Shopping ads Channel.
  4. On the extension page, select the version from the drop-down menu.
  5. For the component name and version, click Technical Details.
  6. Click Download.
  7. Export the contents to your Magento root.
  8. Follow all instrutions for Extension Installation.
  9. After installing, enter an API Key to complete configuration.

Add the Google API key

To add the Google API key:

  1. Log into the Magent Admin.

  2. On the Admin sidebar, click Marketing. Then under Advertising Channels, click Google Shopping ads.

    If you need an API Key, the following screen displays.

    Onboarding API Key Verification

  3. Click Sign in to access your Magento web account. The Magento Accounts page loads, displaying the Api Portal tab.

    You may need to login with your Magento web account credentials. If you need to create an account, visit here and register.

  4. API keys are available through the Api Portal tab. Copy the key.

    If you need to create a new key, enter a description like “Google Shopping ads” and click Add. Copy this new key.

    Copy or generate an API Key

  5. Return to the Magento Admin tab and click Add Key on the Amazon welcome screen.

    A store configuration page opens to Stores > Configuration > Services > Channel.

  6. In the Google Shopping ads section, paste the key you copied for API key.

  7. Click Save Config.

    Add the API Key

  8. On the Admin sidebar, click Marketing. Then under Advertising Channels, click Google Shopping ads. Magento verifies and validates the entered API key, continuing with onboarding.

See Onboarding Google Shopping ads to continue.


If an update is available, a message displays when opening Google Shopping ads Channel.

Update available

  1. Click Update.
  2. Log in with your Magento web account.
  3. Click the Marketplace tab, then click My Purchases.
  4. Locate and select Google Shopping ads Channel.
  5. On the extension page, select the version from the drop-down menu.
  6. For the component name and version, click Technical Details.
  7. Click Download.

Complete the upgrade following the instructions Upgrade an extension.
