
Magento 1.x Software Support Notice

For Magento Commerce 1, Magento is providing software support through June 2020. Depending on your Magento Commerce 1 version, software support may include both quality fixes and security patches. Please review our Magento Software Lifecycle Policy to see how your version of Magento Commerce 1 is supported.

For Magento Open Source 1.5 to 1.9, Magento is providing software security patches through June 2020 to ensure those sites remain secure and compliant. Visit our information page for more details about our software maintenance policy and other considerations for your business.

How to Apply and Revert Magento Patches

Table of Contents


This article discusses how to apply and revert Magento patches you get in any of the following ways:

If you don't already have a patch, contact Magento Support.

noteNote: This article assumes your patch file name ends in .sh. If your patch file name ends in .patch or something else, contact Magento Support before proceeding.

Need More Detail?

For more step-by-step details that are provided here, see one of the following:

How to Get Magento Patches

Magento Support provides some patches for Magento CE and EE on magentocommerce.com. This section discusses how to get those patches.

If Magento Support provided a patch to you, skip this section and continue with How to Apply a Magento Patch.

See one of the following sections for specific information about Magento CE or EE:

Getting Magento CE Patches

To get patches for Magento CE:

  1. Log in to magentocommerce.com/download.
    (Click My Account in the upper right corner of the page.)
    If you don't have an account, you can register for one; the account is free.
  2. In the Magento Community Edition Patches section, locate the patch to install.
  3. From the list next to the patch, choose your CE version.
  4. Click Download.
  5. After the patch downloads, continue with How to Apply a Magento Patch.

Getting Magento EE Patches

To get patches for Magento EE:

  1. Log in to magentocommerce.com.
    (Click My Account in the upper right corner of the page.)
  2. Click Downloads in the left pane.
  3. Click Magento Enterprise Edition in the right pane.
    The following figure shows an example.
  4. Click Support Patches.
  5. Locate the patch to download.
  6. Click Download corresponding to the patch for the version of EE you're using.
  7. After the download completes, continue with the next section.

How to Apply a Magento Patch

To apply a Magento patch:

  1. Transfer the patch .sh file to your Magento installation root directory.
    noteNote: This article assumes your patch file name ends in .sh. If your patch file name ends in .patch or something else, contact Magento Support before proceeding.
    For example, /var/www/html/magento.
  2. Enter the following commands as a user with sufficient privileges to write to Magento files (typically, the web server user or root):
    chmod +x <patch-file-name>.sh
    A message such as the following displays to confirm the patch installed successfully:
    Patch was applied/reverted successfully.
  3. To reapply ownership to the files changed by the patch:
    1. Find the web server user: ps -o "user group command" -C httpd,apache2
      The value in the USER column is the web server username.
      Typically, the Apache web server user on CentOS is apache and the Apache web server user on Ubuntu is www-data.
    2. As a user with root privileges, enter the following command from the Magento installation directory:
      chown -R web-server-user-name .
      For example, on Ubuntu where Apache usually runs as www-data, enter
      chown -R www-data .
  4. Perform any other tasks as instructed by Magento Support.
    (For example, some patches require you to stop external services, such as the Solr search engine.)

How to Apply the SUPEE-8788 Patch

We released a security patch in October, 2016 that might cause issues for some users. This section applies to you if any of the following is true:

We recommend the following:

Replace SUPEE-8788 version 1 with version 2 or later

To replace SUPEE-7877 version 1 with version 2 or later:

  1. Log in to your Magento server.
  2. Open <your Magento install dir>/app/etc/applied.patches.list in a text editor.

    This file lists all currently applied patches.
  3. Determine which patches are already applied. Version 1 of SUPEE-8788 includes PATCH_SUPEE-8788_<magento version>_v1 in the name.
  4. If your Magento version is EE or CE, and patch SUPEE-1533 is applied, revert SUPEE-1533.
  5. If your Magento version is earlier than EE or CE, and SUPEE-3941 is not applied, apply SUPEE-3941.
  6. Get version 2 or later of SUPEE-8788.
  7. Apply version 2 or later of SUPEE-8788.
  8. Magento EE 1.14.2 only. After applying the SUPEE-8788 patch, remove test_oauth.php from your Magento base directory.
  9. If you upgraded to Magento CE 1.9.3 or Magento EE 1.14.3 after applying the SUPEE-8788 patch, make sure the following files have been deleted:
    If the files are present, delete them to avoid a potential security exploit. As of Magento CE and Magento EE, we no longer distribute .swf files with the Magento software.

Apply SUPEE-8788

To apply patch SUPEE-8788:

  1. Open <your Magento install dir>/app/etc/applied.patches.list in a text editor.

    This file lists all currently applied patches.
  2. Verify SUPEE-8788 is not applied. If it is, and it's version 1, see Replace SUPEE-8788 version 1 with version 2 or later.
  3. Verify whether or not patch SUPEE-1533 is applied. If it is, and your Magento version is earlier than EE or CE, revert SUPEE-1533.
  4. If your Magento version is earlier than EE or CE, and SUPEE-3941 is not applied, apply SUPEE-3941.
  5. Get version 2 or later of SUPEE-8788.
  6. Apply version 2 or later of SUPEE-8788.
  7. Magento EE 1.14.2 only. After applying the SUPEE-8788 patch, remove test_oauth.php from your Magento base directory.
  8. If you upgraded to Magento CE 1.9.3 or Magento EE 1.14.3 after applying the SUPEE-8788 patch, make sure the following files have been deleted:
    If the files are present, delete them to avoid a potential security exploit. As of Magento CE and Magento EE, we no longer distribute .swf files with the Magento software.

Listing Patches You Have Installed

If you're not sure which patches are already applied, open <your Magento install dir>/app/etc/applied.patches.list.

How to Revert a Magento Patch

If applying the patch results in errors, contact Magento Support. If you are instructed to do so, revert the patch:

  1. Change to your Magento installation directory.
  2. Enter the following command as a user with sufficient privileges to write to Magento files (typically, the web server user or root):
    sh patch-file-name.sh -R


If you get an error when you run the patch, use the following suggestions: