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Search for products with the /search endpoint

Adobe Commerce provides two endpoints for searching products:

  • GET V1/search
  • GET V1/products

The GET V1/search endpoint replicates the search capabilities that customers and guests use to find products on the storefront. The GET V1/products endpoint returns results like you would receive by searching on the product grid page in the Admin.

The following table highlights the differences between these two endpoints:

Requires authorization token?
Has direct access to product data?
No (the Search engine acts as proxy)
Can specify any product attribute?
Contains product data in the response?
Are results sorted by search relevance?
Contains aggregations/buckets in the response?
Yes, for quick_search_container and catalog_view_container searches

The V1/search endpoint is generally more useful when you have only human (or human-like) search terms at hand, targeted to isolate a single product or a limited set of products. An added benefit is that the results are pre-sorted by their applicable search relevance.

In all other cases, for example when building and filtering product collections, and especially when other non-human backend data is available, such as an attribute's option IDs, the V1/products endpoint is a good choice.

Build queries for V1/search

When you use V1/search, you are searching for products through the catalog. The response comes from the configured search engine (Stores > Settings > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog Search > Search engine), and the results are the same as those returned by using the regular frontend search.

All search queries run against the catalogsearch_fulltext index.

The basic structure of a REST call using V1/search follows:

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GET <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/search?searchCriteria[requestName]=<container_name>&

By default, the container name can be one of these values:

  • quick_search_container
  • advanced_search_container
  • catalog_view_container

The possible values for the filter name and the search value are specific for each container.

Each searchable attribute defines a search boost value, which defaults to 1. However, some predefined attributes have higher values. For example, the default boost value for sku is 6, while the name has a default value of 5.

For more details about the capabilities of searches using V1/search, review Magento/CatalogSearch/etc/search_request.xml.

Quick searches

The quick_search_container request allows you to perform the same search that a customer performs on the storefront.

By default, a filter name can be one of these:

  • category_ids
  • price.from
  • price.to
  • search_term
  • visibility

Quick searches return aggreggations and buckets.


The following example performs a quick search for digital watch:

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GET <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/search?searchCriteria[requestName]=quick_search_container&
searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][value]=digital watch

Advanced searches

The advanced_search_container request performs more complex searches, like those possible on the Advanced Search page.

The default filters for advanced searches can use the following [field] value:

  • category_ids
  • price.from
  • price.to
  • sku

The filter can also be any searchable attribute. To make an attribute searchable, set Stores > Attributes > Product > <selected_attribute> > Storefront Properties > Use in Search to Yes. The search query can include attributes such as the product name, SKU, or any other custom attribute.

Advanced searches can use any condition type to make comparisions, such as like, eq, or finset. See Search using REST describes condition types.

Advanced searches do not return aggregation data.


The following example get products within a price range:

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GET <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/search?searchCriteria[requestName]=advanced_search_container&

The following example gets products where the SKU might contain a specified string:

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GET <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/search?searchCriteria[requestName]=advanced_search_container&

Catalog view searches

The catalog_view_containerrequest accepts the following filters:

  • category_ids
  • price.from
  • price.to
  • visibility

Quick searches return aggreggations and buckets.


The following example gets all products in a given category:

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GET <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/search?searchCriteria[requestName]=catalog_view_container&

Build queries for V1/products

Search using REST provides examples that can be used to search for products.

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