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Asynchronous web endpoints

An asynchronous web endpoint intercepts messages to a Web API and writes them to the message queue. Each time the system accepts such an API request, it generates a UUID identifier. Adobe Commerce includes this UUID when it adds the message to the queue. Then, a consumer reads the messages from the queue and executes them one-by-one.

Commerce supports the following types of asynchronous requests:

  • POST
  • PUT

The route to all asynchronous calls contains the prefix /async, added before /V1 of a standard synchronous endpoint. For example:

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POST /async/V1/products
PUT /async/V1/products/:sku
Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce installations support asynchronous web endpoints.

The REST API documentation provides a list of all current synchronous Commerce API routes.

The response of an asynchronous request contains the following fields:

Field nameData typeDescription
A generated universally unique identifier.
An array containing information about the status of the asynchronous request.
A generated ID that identifies the request.
SHA256 encoded content of incoming message.
Reserved for future use. Currently, the value is always accepted.
Reserved for future use. Currently, the value is always false. If an error occurs, the system provides all error-related information as a standard webapi exception.

Sample usage

The following call asynchronously changes the price of the product that has a sku of 24-MB01:

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PUT <host>/rest/<store_code>/async/V1/products/24-MB01


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"product": {
"price": 29


Commerce generates a bulk_uuid for each asynchronous request. Use the bulk_uuid to determine the operation status of your request.

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"bulk_uuid": "fbfca270-7a90-4c4e-9f32-d6cf3728cdc7",
"request_items": [
"id": 0,
"data_hash": "9c1bd4bfd8defcc856ddf129cc01d172625d139d5f7dcf53b6cb09a0e9a843a3",
"status": "accepted"
"errors": false

Store scopes

You can specify a store code (which is labeled in the Admin as store view code) in the route of an asynchronous endpoint so that it operates on a specific store, as shown below:

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POST /<store_code>/async/V1/products
PUT /<store_code>/async/V1/products/:sku

As a result, the asynchronous calls update the products on the specific store, instead of the default store.

You can specify the all store code to perform operations on all existing stores:

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POST /all/async/V1/products
PUT /all/async/V1/products/:sku

Fallback and creating/updating objects when setting store scopes

The following rules apply when you create or update an object, such as a product.

  • If you do not set the store code while creating a new product, Commerce creates a new object with all values set globally for each scope.
  • If you do not set the store code while updating a product, then by fallback, Commerce updates values for the default store only.
  • If you include the all parameter, then Commerce updates values for all store scopes (in case a particular store doesn't yet have its own value set).
  • If <store_code> parameter is set, then values for only defined store will be updated.
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