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Step 9. Create a shipment

To create a shipment, you need the order_item_id of each item to be shipped. Since the Sprite Yoga Companion Kit is a bundle item, you only need to include the top-level order_item_id (5). The order_item_id for the Radiant Tee-M-Orange is 3.

To create a partial shipment, specify only those order_item_ids that are to be shipped now.

If the call is successful on a full shipment, Adobe Commerce changes the status of an order to Complete.


POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/order/3/ship

where 3 is the order ID.


Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Bearer <administrator token>


The notify field is used to trigger Commerce to send the shipment email. The tracks array optionally allows you to include one or more tracking numbers for the shipment.

Copied to your clipboard
"items": [
"order_item_id": 3,
"qty": 1
"order_item_id": 5,
"qty": 1
"order_item_id": 11,
"qty": 1
"notify": true,
"tracks": [
"track_number": "1Y-9876543210",
"title": "United Parcel Service",
"carrier_code": "ups"


A shipment ID, such as 3.

Verify this step

Log in to Admin. Click Sales > Shipments. The shipment is displayed in the grid. Then click Sales > Orders. The order status is Complete.

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