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Step 11. Run the Source Selection Algorithms

One of the most significant parts of Inventory Management is the Source Selection Algorithm (SSA). The Source Priority SSA analyzes and determines the best match for sources and shipping based on the priorities you specified in Step 4. Link stocks and sources. The Distance Priority SSA calculates the distance between the sources and the shipping address. Both algorithms also provide a list of source items with quantities to deduct per each source item.

For more information about shipping and SSAs, see About Source Selection Algorithm and Reservations in the Adobe Commerce user guide.

Get the list of algorithms

Currently, Commerce supports SSAs based on priority and on distance. Third-party developers and future releases may add support for additional algorithms.


GET <host>/rest/default/V1/inventory/source-selection-algorithm-list


default store view


Content-Type application/json

Authorization Bearer <admin token>


Not applicable


Copied to your clipboard
"code": "distance",
"title": "Distance Priority",
"description": "Algorithm which provides Source Selections based on shipping address distance from the source"
"code": "priority",
"title": "Source Priority",
"description": "Algorithm which provides Source Selections based on predefined priority of Source"

Run an SSA

The POST V1/inventory/source-selection-algorithm-result endpoint uses the algorithm defined by the algorithmCode attribute to calculate the recommended sources and quantities for each item defined in the items array. In this example, we'll select the priority SSA. Manage source selection algorithms includes an example using the distance priority.

This tutorial does not consider complications, such as selling out of products or back ordering. We can ask the SSA to determine the best way to immediately ship all the items ordered (40 items of product 24-WB01 and 20 items of product 24-WB03). If the shippable attribute in the response is false, there are not enough salable items to complete a full shipment, but the merchant can still perform a partial shipment.

In Step 4. Link stocks and sources, we assigned the priority value of the Northeast warehouse and West warehouse to be 1 and 2, respectively. Thus, the priority SSA attempts to fulfill the order from the Northeast warehouse first. If the primary source does not have enough of a product in stock, the SSA goes down the prioritized list of sources until the ordered quantity can be found.


POST <host>/rest/default/V1/inventory/source-selection-algorithm-result


default store view


Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Bearer <admin token>


Copied to your clipboard
"inventoryRequest": {
"stockId": 2,
"items": [{
"sku": "24-WB01",
"qty": 40
"sku": "24-WB03",
"qty": 20
"algorithmCode": "priority"


The SSA recommends shipping from the following sources:

Northeast warehouse
West warehouse
Northeast warehouse
Copied to your clipboard
"source_selection_items": [
"source_code": "ne_wh",
"sku": "24-WB01",
"qty_to_deduct": 35,
"qty_available": 35
"source_code": "ne_wh",
"sku": "24-WB03",
"qty_to_deduct": 20,
"qty_available": 50
"source_code": "west_wh",
"sku": "24-WB01",
"qty_to_deduct": 5,
"qty_available": 15
"source_code": "west_wh",
"sku": "24-WB03",
"qty_to_deduct": 0,
"qty_available": 10
"source_code": "brooklyn",
"sku": "24-WB01",
"qty_to_deduct": 0,
"qty_available": 10
"source_code": "brooklyn",
"sku": "24-WB03",
"qty_to_deduct": 0,
"qty_available": 0
"source_code": "manhattan",
"sku": "24-WB01",
"qty_to_deduct": 0,
"qty_available": 10
"source_code": "manhattan",
"sku": "24-WB03",
"qty_to_deduct": 0,
"qty_available": 0
"source_code": "huntington",
"sku": "24-WB01",
"qty_to_deduct": 0,
"qty_available": 10
"source_code": "huntington",
"sku": "24-WB03",
"qty_to_deduct": 0,
"qty_available": 0
"source_code": "berkeley",
"sku": "24-WB01",
"qty_to_deduct": 0,
"qty_available": 10
"source_code": "berkeley",
"sku": "24-WB03",
"qty_to_deduct": 0,
"qty_available": 20
"source_code": "sausalito",
"sku": "24-WB01",
"qty_to_deduct": 0,
"qty_available": 10
"source_code": "sausalito",
"sku": "24-WB03",
"qty_to_deduct": 0,
"qty_available": 20
"shippable": true

Verify this step

  1. Click Sales > Orders.
  2. Click the View link in the Action column for the order.
  3. Click Ship.
  4. Select different sources from the Sources menu.
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