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Step 12. Create a shipment

In the previous step, the SSA recommended shipping 35 24-WB01 items and 20 24-WB03 items from the Northeast warehouse. It also recommended shipping 5 24-WB01 items from the West warehouse.

You can always override the SSA recommendations. It would be valid, for example, to ship 25 24-WB01 items and 5 24-WB03 items each from the Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Huntington stores.

Fulfilling the order requires a minimum of two partial shipments. In this example, we will follow the SSA recommendations.

When you complete a partial or full shipment, Adobe Commerce deducts the reserved products from corresponding sources.

Send a partial shipment

We'll ship 35 24-WB01 items and 20 24-WB03 items from the Northeast warehouse. The order_item_id value for 24-WB01 is 3, and the value for 24-WB03 is 4.


POST <host>/rest/default/V1/order/3/ship

where 3 is the orderid


default store view


Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Bearer <admin token>


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"items": [
"order_item_id": 3,
"qty": 20
"order_item_id": 4,
"qty": 35
"notify": true,
"comment": {
"comment": "Shipment from the Northeast warehouse"
"arguments": {
"extension_attributes": {
"source_code": "ne_wh"


The shipment ID, such as 3.

Ship from the West warehouse

Use the same endpoint to ship the remaining five 24-WB03 items from the West warehouse.


Copied to your clipboard
"items": [
"order_item_id": 3,
"qty": 5
"notify": true,
"comment": {
"comment": "Shipment from the West warehouse"
"arguments": {
"extension_attributes": {
"source_code": "west_wh"


The shipment ID, such as 4.

Verify this step

  1. Click Sales > Shipments. The two shipments for this order are displayed in the grid.
  2. Click Catalog > Products. Verify that the Quantity per Source values are correct for each product, based on the selections you made at shipment.
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