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Step 4. Link stocks and sources

This step links the sources we created in Step 2. Create sources with the stocks we created in Step 3. Create stocks.

Each stock can be assigned one or more sources. Adobe Commerce uses these associations to calculate the virtual aggregated inventory per product.

Assign the source

To link a source to a stock, you must specify the source_code, stock_id, and priority attributes. The priority value indicates where the source ranks in descending order. The Source Selection Algorithm uses this priority order when recommending order fulfillment. All added sources display in prioritized order in the Admin.

The POST V1/inventory/stock-source-links endpoint accepts an array of links, so we can link all the stocks and sources we created in the previous steps with a single call. The stock_id of "North America Stock" is 2, and the stock_id of "Europe Stock" is 3. The HQ source is assigned to both stocks.

In this example, we configure the Northeast warehouse to be the primary source for North America orders. The stores located in the New York City area are other available sources in North America. In Europe, the Leipzig warehouse is preferred, followed by the Berlin and Frankfurt stores. HQ is the last choice for both stocks.


POST <host>/rest/default/V1/inventory/stock-source-links


default store views


Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Bearer <admin_token>


Copied to your clipboard
"links" : [
"source_code" : "ne_wh",
"stock_id" : 2,
"priority" : 1
"source_code" : "west_wh",
"stock_id" : 2,
"priority" : 2
"source_code" : "brooklyn",
"stock_id" : 2,
"priority" : 3
"source_code" : "manhattan",
"stock_id" : 2,
"priority" : 4
"source_code" : "huntington",
"stock_id" : 2,
"priority": 5
"source_code" : "berkeley",
"stock_id" : 2,
"priority" : 6
"source_code" : "sausalito",
"stock_id" : 2,
"priority" : 7
"source_code" : "hq",
"stock_id" : 2,
"priority" : 8


Commerce returns empty array.


Reindex and flush cache

Required: After you have assigned a source to stock, use the following command to perform a full reindex and flush the cache. This is required!

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bin/magento indexer:reindex && bin/magento cache:flush

Verify this step

In Admin, click Stores > Inventory > Stocks. The Assign Sources column lists the linked sources for each stock.

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