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Create a configurable product tutorial

This tutorial shows a system integrator how to use Adobe Commerce REST APIs to create a configurable product. A configurable product is a parent product of multiple simple products. You define a configurable product so that the buyer must make one or more choices to select a product. For example, most clothing comes in a variety of colors and sizes. If you are offering a skirt in black, red, and blue colorways in sizes small, medium, and large, then you would create a configurable product with 9 simple products, one for each combination of color and size.

In this tutorial, we will create a gray t-shirt that comes in three sizes (small, medium, and large). The configurable product defines basic characteristics of the t-shirt. Then we will create a simple product for each size and link each of them to the configurable product. Finally, we will add an option that allows the customer to specify text that can be added to the shirt.

This 5-step tutorial generally takes 45 minutes.

Before you begin

  • Install a Commerce instance with sample data. The sample data defines a functional store, called Luma, that sells fitness clothing and accessories.

  • Install a REST client. You can use any REST client to send calls to Commerce. Postman is recommended.

  • Install and configure RabbitMQ, which is the default message broker for bulk API endpoints.

  • Obtain an admin authorization token. All calls in this tutorial require administrator privileges. See Generate the admin token for more information.

Other resources

  • REST Tutorials provides additional information about completing any Commerce REST tutorial.
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