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Generate a local REST reference

The REST documentation on the Adobe Commerce devdocs website is generated with Swagger UI using a schema derived from the latest build of Commerce. However, the REST API documentation on devdocs is static in that the Commerce Developers website is not running an instance of Commerce, and there is no live data.

Commerce provides two ways to get detailed information about the structure of the REST endpoints, as described below.

Generate a full REST reference locally

The Swagger UI is installed automatically on your server. As a result, you can generate live REST API documentation that can include Adobe Commerce modules, third-party modules, and extension attributes that have been installed on your system. To view this documentation, go to:


To view the Swagger documentation for a specific store view, use this URL:


The value of store_code must be one of the following:

  • default
  • The assigned store code
  • all. This value only applies to the CMS and Product modules. If this value is specified, the API call affects all the merchant's stores.

By default, Commerce returns documentation for resources available to anonymous users across all stores. If you specify a valid customer or admin token in the api_key text box in the upper right corner, Swagger returns documentation for all the endpoints the user has access to. To generate an API key, call the POST /V1/integration/customer/token endpoint or a 2FA endpoint such as POST /V1/tfa/provider/google/authenticate with the appropriate payload, as directed in Token-based authentication.

The generated Swagger documentation provides the capability to test REST requests. A user can enter a sample request, then press the Try it out! button, and Swagger returns information such as a curl command, a request URL, a response body, a response code, and the response header. The Try it out! button will not work unless a bearer authorization token has been specified.

REST reference for Asynchronous API

You can also use Swagger to generate live asynchronous API REST documentation. To create this documentation, add the ?type=async parameter to the standard Swagger URL:


Swagger returns information about all resources available for asynchronous REST APIs.

Return the JSON schema for one or more services

You can use a REST client to generate the JSON schema for one or more services. In the client, set the method to GET and the URL to


For example:


To return information about all services:


Return the complete JSON schema

To return the complete JSON schema, specify the ?services=all parameter in the URL. The default store_code is all, but you can also specify default or a store code defined on the system. For example: http://<commerce_host>/rest/default/schema?services=all

The base URL for returning the asynchronous schema is http://<commerce_host>/rest/<store_code>/async/schema.


By default, the /swagger endpoint is open on Commerce instances. Leaving it open on a public instance could potentially expose system information that should not be readable.

To close off the /swagger endpoint, disable the following modules:

  • Swagger
  • SwaggerWebapi
  • SwaggerWebapiAsync

To ensure proper functionality, always test Commerce instances after disabling modules.

You may also use web server rewrite rules to redirect users trying to access the endpoint:

Restricting access to anonymous web APIs Token-based authentication

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