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Import data

The POST /rest/<store_view_code>/V1/import/csv and POST /rest/<store_view_code>/V1/import/json endpoints provide a RESTful way to import data into Adobe Commerce. They mirror the import capabilities found in the Admin at System > Data Transfer > Import. These endpoints support the import of the following entities:

  • advanced_pricing
  • catalog_product
  • customer
  • customer_address
  • customer_composite
  • customer_finance
  • stock_sources

Source Data Format and Requirements

Ensure your source data conforms to the sequence and format expected by Commerce. To acquaint yourself with each import entity's requirements, visit the Import page in the Admin, select an entity from the dropdown, and click Download Sample File.

The original CSV or JSON data must use UTF-8 encoding before any compression or base64 encoding is applied. This ensures compatibility with Adobe Commerce's internal processing and supports a wide range of international characters and symbols.

CSV Import

The import/csv endpoint expects data in base64 encoded format:

  • Encoding: Before submitting, your CSV data must be base64 encoded, which means there is no need to escape special characters.
  • Compression: You can use gzip to compress your data before encoding. This is especially useful when handling larger CSV files that might exceed server or PHP request size limits.
  • Delimiter: This API is tailored for CSV files that use commas as field and multi-value separators. Any other delimiters will cause the import to fail.

JSON Import

The import/json endpoint is designed for JSON data:

  • Convert your CSV into JSON using any trustworthy online converter.
  • When converting CSV to JSON using standard tools or libraries, special characters within the data are typically escaped automatically. Ensure that any manual edits or custom conversion processes handle this escaping appropriately.

Validation Strategy

A validation strategy is mandatory. Depending on your chosen strategy, the API will either proceed with the import or abort it upon encountering invalid rows.

  • validation-stop-on-errors: The API halts the import upon finding the first error. It will return an error message describing the issue and its row number.
  • validation-skip-errors: The API imports valid rows unless the total number of errors surpasses the allowedErrorCount. If errors go beyond this count, the import is halted (even valid rows will not be processed). The response will contain details of the first error found and its row number.

The allowedErrorCount field specifies the maximum allowable error count before terminating the import process.

Import CSV API

The POST /rest/<store_view_code>/V1/import/csv endpoint uses the StartImportInterface service to efficiently import entities into Adobe Commerce. The payload must contain data in a base64 encoded format.

Service Name:


REST Endpoint:

Copied to your clipboard
POST /rest/<store_view_code>/V1/import/csv

StartImportInterface Parameters:

The language and country combination for the data being imported
The type of entity to be imported
Required. The value must be one of the following: advanced_pricing, catalog_product, customer, customer_address, customer_composite, customer_finance, or stock_sources.
The action to perform
Required. For advanced_pricing, catalog_product, customer_composite, or stock_sources the value must be one of the following: append, replace, or delete. For customer, customer_address, or customer_finance the value must be one of the following: add_update, delete, or custom.
Strategy to use when entities are invalid
Required. The value must be either validation-stop-on-errors or validation-skip-errors.
The maximum number of errors that can occur before the import is canceled
Base64 encoded string containing CSV data (optionally gzip compressed before base64)
Separator used in CSV. Default is ','
Separator used in columns with multiple values such as categories. Default is ','
Constant to be replaced with an empty attribute
Path to images relative to <Magento root directory>/var/import/images

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/<store_view_code>/default/V1/import/csv


Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Bearer <administrator token>


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"validationStrategy": "validation-stop-on-errors",


When Import is successful, the API response will contain the number of entities that were successfully imported.

Copied to your clipboard
"Entities Processed: 1"

Payload 2:

This sample payload contains encoded CSV data with two valid rows and one invalid row.

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"source": {
"validationStrategy": "validation-stop-on-errors",

When Import fails, the response contains the row number and a message describing cause of failure for first invalid row encountered.


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"Row 3: Please enter a password with a valid length."

Payload 3:

In this example, the CSV payload contains three rows of data, and one of them is invalid. Due to the selected validation strategy and allowedErrorCount value, only the valid rows are imported.

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"source": {
"validationStrategy": "validation-skip-errors",


Copied to your clipboard
"Entities Processed: 2"


The Import JSON API is exclusively available via REST and does not support SOAP. This is because the payload consists of complex JSON objects with nested arrays, which are inherently challenging to represent with the XML structure that SOAP relies upon.

The POST /rest/<store_view_code>/V1/import/json endpoint uses the StartImportInterface service to efficiently import entities into Adobe Commerce. The payload must contain data in JSON format.

Service Name:


REST Endpoint:

Copied to your clipboard
POST /rest/<store_view_code>/V1/import/json

StartImportInterface Parameters:

The language and country combination for the data being imported
The type of entity to be imported
Required. Must be one of the following values: advanced_pricing, catalog_product, customer, customer_address, customer_composite, customer_finance, or stock_sources
The action to perform
Required. For advanced_pricing, catalog_product, customer_composite, or stock_sources the value must be one of the following: append, replace, or delete. For customer, customer_address, or customer_finance the value must be one of the following: add_update, delete, or custom.
Strategy to use when entities are invalid
Required. The value must be either validation-stop-on-errors or validation-skip-errors.
The maximum number of errors that can occur before the import is canceled
An array of entities to be imported. Each entity, represented as a JSON object, contains details specific to its type (such as products or customers)
array of JSON objects
Path to images relative to <Magento root directory>/var/import/images

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/<store_view_code>/default/V1/import/json


Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Bearer <administrator token>

Simple product payload:

Copied to your clipboard
"source": {
"locale": "en_EN",
"entity": "catalog_product",
"behavior": "append",
"validation_strategy": "validation-stop-on-errors",
"allowed_error_count": 0,
"items": [
"sku": "Simple Product 1",
"store_view_code": "",
"attribute_set_code": "Default",
"product_type": "simple",
"categories": [
"Default Category/Category 1",
"Default Category/Category 2"
"product_websites": [
"name": "Simple Product 1",
"description": "",
"short_description": "",
"weight": 12,
"product_online": 1,
"tax_class_name": "Taxable Goods",
"visibility": "Catalog, Search",
"price": 9.99,
"special_price": 8.99,
"special_price_from_date": "7/20/23",
"special_price_to_date": "",
"url_key": "simple-product-1",
"meta_title": "Simple Product 1",
"meta_keywords": "Simple Product 1",
"meta_description": "Simple Product 1 ",
"base_image": "/1/_/1.png",
"base_image_label": "one",
"small_image": "/1/_/1.png",
"small_image_label": "one",
"thumbnail_image": "/1/_/1.png",
"thumbnail_image_label": "one",
"swatch_image": "/2/_/2.png",
"swatch_image_label": "two",
"created_at": "7/20/23, 11:36 AM",
"updated_at": "7/21/23, 12:20 PM",
"new_from_date": "7/21/23",
"new_to_date": "",
"display_product_options_in": "Block after Info Column",
"map_price": "",
"msrp_price": "",
"map_enabled": "",
"gift_message_available": "Yes",
"custom_design": "",
"custom_design_from": "",
"custom_design_to": "",
"custom_layout_update": "",
"page_layout": "",
"product_options_container": "",
"msrp_display_actual_price_type": "Use config",
"country_of_manufacture": "China",
"additional_attributes": {
"date_time": "7/21/23",
"gift_wrapping_available": "Use config",
"gift_wrapping_price": 1.99,
"instructions": "Here instruction go how to use this product indoors, outdoors.",
"material": "cotton",
"size": "large",
"usage": [
"qty": 1000,
"out_of_stock_qty": 0,
"use_config_min_qty": 1,
"is_qty_decimal": 0,
"allow_backorders": 0,
"use_config_backorders": 1,
"min_cart_qty": 1,
"use_config_min_sale_qty": 1,
"max_cart_qty": 10000,
"use_config_max_sale_qty": 1,
"is_in_stock": 1,
"notify_on_stock_below": 1,
"use_config_notify_stock_qty": 1,
"manage_stock": 1,
"use_config_manage_stock": 1,
"use_config_qty_increments": 1,
"qty_increments": 1,
"use_config_enable_qty_inc": 1,
"enable_qty_increments": 0,
"is_decimal_divided": 0,
"website_id": 0,
"deferred_stock_update": 0,
"use_config_deferred_stock_update": 1,
"related_skus": "",
"related_position": "",
"crosssell_skus": "",
"crosssell_position": "",
"upsell_skus": "",
"upsell_position": "",
"additional_images": [
"additional_image_labels": [
"hide_from_product_page": "",
"name": "Option 1",
"type": "drop_down",
"required": 0,
"price": 25,
"sku": "",
"max_characters": 0,
"file_extension": "",
"image_size_x": 0,
"image_size_y": 0,
"price_type": "percent",
"option_title": "A"
"name": "Option 2",
"type": "multiple",
"required": 1,
"price": 1.99,
"sku": "",
"max_characters": 0,
"file_extension": "",
"image_size_x": 0,
"image_size_y": 0,
"price_type": "fixed",
"option_title": "B"
"name": "Option 2",
"type": "multiple",
"required": 1,
"price": 4.00,
"sku": "",
"max_characters": 0,
"file_extension": "",
"image_size_x": 0,
"image_size_y": 0,
"price_type": "fixed",
"option_title": "C"
"giftcard_type": "",
"giftcard_allow_open_amount": "",
"giftcard_open_amount_min": "",
"giftcard_open_amount_max": "",
"giftcard_amount": "",
"use_config_is_redeemable": "",
"giftcard_is_redeemable": "",
"use_config_lifetime": "",
"giftcard_lifetime": "",
"use_config_allow_message": "",
"giftcard_allow_message": "",
"use_config_email_template": "",
"giftcard_email_template": "",
"bundle_price_type": "",
"bundle_sku_type": "",
"bundle_price_view": "",
"bundle_weight_type": "",
"bundle_values": "",
"bundle_shipment_type": "",
"downloadable_links": "",
"downloadable_samples": "",
"associated_skus": "",
"configurable_variations": "",
"configurable_variation_labels": ""
"sku": "Simple Product 2",
"_comment": "additional information for Simple Product 2"
"import_images_file_dir": "var/import/images/product_images"


When the import is successful, the API response will contain the number of entities that were successfully imported.

Copied to your clipboard
"Entities Processed: 2"

Arguments that support multiple values, such as categories, product_websites, additional_attributes, additional_images, additional_image_labels, and custom_options, can accept inputs in the form of an array, an array of JSON objects, or a singular JSON object.

Additionally, these arguments can also accept string values, similar to the import CSV API.

Copied to your clipboard
"categories": "Default Category/Category 1,Default Category/Category 2",
"product_websites": "base,french",
"additional_attributes": "date_time=7/21/23,gift_wrapping_available=Use config,gift_wrapping_price=1.990000,instructions=Here instruction go how to use this product indoors, outdoors.,material=cotton,size=large,usage=Travel|Sports|Office|Casual",
"additional_images": "/3/_/3.png,/4/_/4.png",
"additional_image_labels": "three,four",
"custom_options": "name=Option 1,type=drop_down,required=1,price=25,sku=,max_characters=0,file_extension=,image_size_x=0,image_size_y=0,price_type=percent,option_title=A|name=Option 2,type=multiple,required=1,price=1.99,sku=,max_characters=0,file_extension=,image_size_x=0,image_size_y=0,price_type=fixed,option_title=B|name=Option 2,type=multiple,required=1,price=4,sku=,max_characters=0,file_extension=,image_size_x=0,image_size_y=0,price_type=fixed,option_title=C"

Although the string format shown above provides compatibility with the import CSV API, using a structured JSON format is recommended for better readability and precision.

Configurable product payload:

For a configurable product:

  • The configurable_variations attribute accepts an array of JSON objects that describe variations. Each object represents a product variation, denoted by SKU, with associated attributes (such as color or size).
  • The configurable_variation_labels attribute accepts a JSON object that assigns human-readable labels to the variation attributes.
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"sku": "Configurable 1-Red-small",
"color_swatch": "Red",
"size": "small"
"sku": "Configurable 1-Red-large",
"color_swatch": "Red",
"size": "large"
"sku": "Configurable 1-Green-small",
"color_swatch": "Green",
"size": "small"
"sku": "Configurable 1-Green-large",
"color_swatch": "Green",
"size": "large"
"color_swatch": "Color Swatch",
"size": "Size"

This structure can be found nested within individual product items in the full payload.

Bundle product payload:

For a bundle product:

  • The bundle_values attribute accepts an array of JSON objects that describe bundle items.
Copied to your clipboard
"bundle_values": [
"name": "Stasis Ball",
"type": "select",
"required": 1,
"sku": "Sprite Statis Ball 55mm",
"price": 7.99,
"default": 0,
"default_qty": 1,
"price_type": "fixed",
"can_change_qty": 1
"name": "Stasis Ball",
"type": "select",
"required": 1,
"sku": "Sprite Statis Ball 65mm",
"price": 9.99,
"default": 0,
"default_qty": 1,
"price_type": "fixed",
"can_change_qty": 1
"name": "Yoga Brick",
"type": "checkbox",
"required": 0,
"sku": "Sprite Foam Yoga Brick",
"price": 25,
"default": 0,
"default_qty": 1,
"price_type": "percent",
"can_change_qty": 0

This structure can be found nested within individual product items in the full payload.

Downloadable product payload:

For a downloadable product:

  • The downloadable_links attribute accepts an array of JSON objects that describe downloadable product links.
  • The downloadable_samples attribute accepts an array of JSON objects that describe downloadable product samples.
Copied to your clipboard
"link_id": 1,
"id": 1,
"title": "Part 1",
"sort_order": 1,
"sample_type": "file",
"sample_file": "/test/1.png",
"price": 4.99,
"number_of_downloads": 100,
"is_shareable": 1,
"link_type": "file",
"link_file": "/test/red.png"
"link_id": 2,
"id": 2,
"title": "Part 2",
"sort_order": 2,
"sample_type": "file",
"sample_file": "/test/2.png",
"price": 4.49,
"is_shareable": 1,
"link_type": "file",
"link_file": "/test/green.png"
"sample_id": 1,
"id": 1,
"title": "Sample A",
"sort_order": 1,
"sample_type": "url",
"sample_url": "http://example.com/pub/media/lemon.jpeg"
"sample_id": 2,
"id": 2,
"title": "Sample B",
"sort_order": 2,
"sample_type": "file",
"sample_file": "/test/pumpkin.png"

This structure can be found nested within individual product items in the full payload.

Grouped product payload:

For a grouped product:

  • The associated_skus attribute accepts a JSON object where the keys are SKUs of products that comprise the grouped product, and the values are the quantities of each SKU in the grouped product.
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"associated_skus": {
"Sprite Statis Ball 55mm": 1,
"Sprite Foam Yoga Brick": 1,
"Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot": 1

This structure can be found nested within individual product items in the full payload.

Gift card payload:

For a gift card product:

  • The giftcard_amount attribute accepts an array of amounts that can be used to purchase a gift card.
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"giftcard_open_amount_min": 5,
"giftcard_open_amount_max": 500,
"giftcard_amount": [

This structure can be found nested within individual product items in the full payload.

Payload 7 (Multiple select attributes):

The multiple select attribute for products is represented as an array of strings.

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"additional_attributes": {
"usage": [

The multiple select attributes for customer and customer address are represented as an array of strings.

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"interests": [
"delivery_preferences": [
"Hand directly to resident",
"Leave in the mailbox"

The Import JSON API does not create attributes automatically. You need to create attributes manually before importing data. For more information, see Create attributes.

Advanced Pricing payload:

advanced_pricing is represented as an array of JSON objects.

Copied to your clipboard
"source": {
"entity": "advanced_pricing",
"behavior": "append",
"validation_strategy": "validation-stop-on-errors",
"allowed_error_count": 10,
"items": [
"sku": "Simple Product 1",
"tier_price_website": "All Websites [USD]",
"tier_price_customer_group": "ALL GROUPS",
"tier_price_qty": 1,
"tier_price": 7.99,
"tier_price_value_type": "Fixed"
"sku": "Simple Product 1",
"tier_price_website": "base",
"tier_price_customer_group": "NOT LOGGED IN",
"tier_price_qty": 2,
"tier_price": 40,
"tier_price_value_type": "Discount"
"sku": "Simple Product 1",
"tier_price_website": "french",
"tier_price_customer_group": "General",
"tier_price_qty": 5,
"tier_price": 60,
"tier_price_value_type": "Discount"

Customer finance payload:

customer_finance is represented as an array of JSON objects.

Copied to your clipboard
"source": {
"entity": "customer_finance",
"behavior": "add_update",
"validation_strategy": "validation-stop-on-errors",
"allowed_error_count": 0,
"items": [
"_email": "johndoe@example.com",
"_website": "base",
"_finance_website": "base",
"store_credit": 99.99,
"reward_points": "100"
"_email": "johndoe@example.com",
"_website": "base",
"_finance_website": "french",
"store_credit": 50,
"reward_points": 200

Customers and addresses payload:

Customers and Addresses information is represented as an array of JSON objects.

Copied to your clipboard
"source": {
"entity": "customer_composite",
"behavior": "append",
"validation_strategy": "validation-stop-on-errors",
"allowed_error_count": 0,
"items": [
"email": "johndoe@example.com",
"_website": "base",
"_store": "admin",
"confirmation": "",
"created_at": "4/19/23 12:55",
"created_in": "Admin",
"disable_auto_group_change": 0,
"dob": "4/19/16 0:00",
"firstname": "John",
"gender": "Male",
"group_id": 1,
"lastname": "Doe",
"middlename": "",
"password_hash": "<password hash here>",
"prefix": "",
"rp_token": "",
"rp_token_created_at": "",
"store_id": 0,
"suffix": "",
"taxvat": "",
"website_id": 1,
"password": "",
"_address_city": "Los Angeles",
"_address_company": "",
"_address_country_id": "US",
"_address_fax": "",
"_address_firstname": "John",
"_address_lastname": "Doe",
"_address_middlename": "",
"_address_postcode": 90017,
"_address_prefix": "",
"_address_region": "California",
"_address_street": "Main Street 100\nSuite 200",
"_address_suffix": "",
"_address_telephone": 3233361267,
"_address_vat_id": "",
"_address_default_billing_": 1,
"_address_default_shipping_": 1,
"delivery_preferences": [
"Hand directly to resident",
"Leave in the mailbox"
"interests": [

delivery_preferences and interests are multiple select attributes for addresses and customers. They are represented as an array of strings.


When the import is successful, the API response will contain the number of entities that were successfully imported.

Copied to your clipboard
"Entities Processed: 2"

The "entity": "customer_composite" represents a composite entity that includes both a customer and an associated address. While the payload contains one item in the items array, it results in two entities (customer and address) being processed. Therefore, the response indicates "Entities Processed: 2".

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