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Manage prices for multiple products

Adobe Commerce provides REST endpoints that allow you to update multiple special prices, tier prices, base prices, or cost values with a single call.

The calls that update special and tier prices mimic the options available on a product's Advanced Pricing screen in Admin.

Manage special prices

The SpecialPriceStorageInterface service provides the means to efficiently schedule special prices for one or more products in a store's catalog. When you use these calls, you do not provide detailed information about the product.

The POST /V1/products/special-price call sets special prices for the following product types:

  • Simple
  • Bundle
  • Virtual
  • Downloadable

Service Name:


REST Endpoints:

Copied to your clipboard
POST /V1/products/special-price
POST /V1/products/special-price-information
POST /V1/products/special-price-delete

SpecialPriceStorageInterface Parameters:

The special price of the product
Required for setting or deleting a special price
The store ID to apply the special price
Required for setting or deleting a special price
The SKU of the product
Required for setting or deleting a special price
An array of SKU values that is specified when retrieving a list of special prices
Required for retrievals
The date and time the special price goes into effect. The date/time format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. The specified time must be later than the current time.
Required in Adobe Commerce. Optional in Magento Open Source.
The date and time the special price ends. The date/time format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss If no value is specified, the special price does not expire.
Required in Adobe Commerce. Optional in Magento Open Source.

Set special prices

All calls to set special prices must include the store_id, sku, and price parameters. If the call is sent to an Adobe Commerce installation, the call must also include the price_from parameter. If the call is sent to a Magento Open Source installation, then the price_from parameter is optional.

For bundled products, the value of the price parameter must be expressed as a discount percentage.

You can set multiple special prices in a single call, as shown in the example below. The call sets special prices for a simple product, downloadable product, and bundle product for two days.

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/special-price

Copied to your clipboard
"prices": [
"price": 29.95,
"store_id": 0,
"price_from": "2017-07-15 00:00:00",
"price_to": "2017-07-16 23:59:59",
"sku": "24-WB06"
"price": 19.95,
"store_id": 0,
"price_from": "2017-07-15 00:00:00",
"price_to": "2017-07-16 23:59:59",
"sku": "240-LV06"
"price": 5,
"store_id": 0,
"price_from": "2017-07-15 00:00:00",
"price_to": "2017-07-16 23:59:59",
"sku": "24-WG080"

Get special prices

The following call returns the special price information for three SKU values.

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/special-price-information

Copied to your clipboard
"skus": [

Delete a special price

If any item to be deleted has an invalid price, store_id, sku or date, Commerce marks the item as failed and excludes it from the delete list. Valid items are deleted as requested.

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/special-price-delete

Copied to your clipboard
"prices": [
"price": 29.95,
"store_id": 0,
"price_from": "2017-07-15 00:00:00",
"price_to": "2017-07-16 23:59:59",
"sku": "24-WB06"
"price": 19.95,
"store_id": 0,
"price_from": "2017-07-15 00:00:00",
"price_to": "2017-07-16 23:59:59",
"sku": "240-LV06"
"price": 5,
"store_id": 0,
"price_from": "2017-07-15 00:00:00",
"price_to": "2017-07-16 23:59:59",
"sku": "24-WG080"

Manage tier prices

Tier pricing offers a quantity discount to members of a specific customer group and website. The TierPriceStorageInterface service provides an efficient means to set tier prices for one or more products without requiring detailed information about each product.

You can use REST endpoints to set tier prices for the following product types:

Product typeTier price types
fixed, discount
fixed, discount
fixed, discount

Service Name:


REST Endpoints:

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POST /V1/products/tier-prices
PUT /V1/products/tier-prices
POST /V1/products/tier-prices-information
POST /V1/products/tier-prices-delete

TierPriceStorageInterface Parameters:

The discounted product price for the quantity purchased
Required to set, update, or delete a tier price
Must be fixed (the set price) or discount (percent discount)
Required to set, update, or delete a tier price
The website ID to apply the tier price
Required to set, update, or delete a tier price
The SKU of the product
Required to set, update, or delete a tier price
An array of SKU values that is specified when retrieving a list of tier prices
Required for retrievals
A specific customer group that qualifies to receive the tier price discount
Required to set, update, or delete a tier price
The quantity that must be purchased to receive the tier price
Required to set, update, or delete a tier price

Set tier prices

The POST /V1/products/tier-prices call adds new tier prices or updates existing prices. You can specify tier prices for multiple products in the same call.

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/tier-prices

Copied to your clipboard
"prices": [
"price": 10,
"price_type": "fixed",
"website_id": 0,
"sku": "24-UG04",
"customer_group": "General",
"quantity": 3
"price": 8,
"price_type": "fixed",
"website_id": 0,
"sku": "24-UG04",
"customer_group": "General",
"quantity": 5
"price": 6,
"price_type": "fixed",
"website_id": 0,
"sku": "24-UG04",
"customer_group": "General",
"quantity": 10

Replace existing tier prices

The replace request removes all existing tier prices for a specified product and adds new rows for this same product instead.

The following example removes the $10 tier price for sku 24-UG04 and changes the customer group for the sku's other tier prices.

Sample Usage:

PUT <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/tier-prices

Copied to your clipboard
"prices": [
"price": 8,
"price_type": "fixed",
"website_id": 0,
"sku": "24-UG04",
"customer_group": "NOT LOGGED IN",
"quantity": 5
"price": 5,
"price_type": "fixed",
"website_id": 0,
"sku": "24-UG04",
"customer_group": "NOT LOGGED IN",
"quantity": 310

Get tier prices

Commerce returns all active tier prices for the specified list of skus.

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/tier-prices-information

Copied to your clipboard
"skus": [

Delete tier prices

You must specify each tier price that is to be deleted. You can delete multiple tier prices in a single call.

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/tier-prices-delete

Copied to your clipboard
"prices": [
"price": 10,
"price_type": "fixed",
"website_id": 0,
"sku": "24-UG04",
"customer_group": "General",
"quantity": 3

Manage base prices

A base price is the price of a product, before any discounts or extra costs (such as shipping or taxes) are applied. The BasePriceStorageInterface service provides an efficient means to set base prices for one or more products without requiring detailed information about each product.

REST Endpoints:

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POST /V1/products/base-prices
POST /V1/products/base-prices-information

BasePriceStorageInterface Parameters:

The base price of the item
Required to set a base price
The store ID to apply the base price
Required to set a base price
The SKU of the product
Required to set a base price
An array of SKU values that is specified when retrieving a list of base prices
Required for retrievals

Set base prices

The POST /V1/products/base-price call can set base prices for the following types of products:

  • Simple
  • Virtual
  • Downloadable
  • Bundle (fixed price type only)

The following example sets the base price for a simple and a downloadable product.

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/base-prices

Copied to your clipboard
"prices": [
"price": 12,
"store_id": 0,
"sku": "24-UG04"
"price": 22,
"store_id": 0,
"sku": "240-LV06"

Get base prices

The following example returns the base prices for a simple and a downloadable product.

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/base-prices-information

Copied to your clipboard
"skus": [

Manage cost values

The cost is the actual cost of a product. Tracking costs is optional, but having this information available can be helpful when you are setting discounts.

REST Endpoints:

Copied to your clipboard
POST /V1/products/cost
POST /V1/products/cost-information
POST /V1/products/cost-delete

CostStorageInterface Parameters:

The amount the item costs
Required to set or delete a cost value
The store ID to apply the cost value
Required to set or delete a cost value
The SKU of the product
Required to set or delete a cost value
An array of SKU values that is specified when retrieving a list of cost values
Required for retrievals

Set cost values

The POST /V1/products/cost call can set the cost values for the following types of products:

  • Simple
  • Virtual
  • Downloadable

The following example sets the cost value for a simple and a downloadable product.

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/cost

Copied to your clipboard
"prices": [
"cost": 18,
"store_id": 0,
"sku": "24-WB03"
"cost": 2,
"store_id": 0,
"sku": "240-LV09"

Get cost values

The following example returns the cost values for a simple and a downloadable product.

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/cost-information

Copied to your clipboard
"skus": [

Delete cost values

The following example deletes the previously-defined cost values for a simple and a downloadable product.

Sample Usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/products/cost-delete

Copied to your clipboard
"skus": [
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