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Manage low-quantity notifications

Low stock notification alert the merchant that the salable quantity of a stock has reached a critical threshold. The Admin allows the merchant to configure low-quantity notifications from several locations:

  • The Notify for Quantity Below field (Stores > Settings > Configuration > Catalog > Inventory > Product Stock Options) sets the default value globally for all products for the entire website/store.
  • The Advanced Inventory Notify for Quantity Below field (Catalog > Products > specific product > Advanced Inventory) overrides the value set at the website/store level. The value applies to all of the product's sources.
  • The Notify Quantity fields (Catalog > Products > specific product > Assigned Sources section) override all other settings. The merchant can assign a different threshold for each source for the specific product.

Adobe Commerce deducts either the global or the overriding quantity from the total salable quantity for the stock.

The REST low-quantity notification endpoints manage the values that merchants set from the Notify Quantity fields.

Service names:

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REST endpoints:

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POST /V1/inventory/low-quantity-notification
GET /V1/inventory/low-quantity-notification/:sourceCode/:sku
POST /V1/inventory/low-quantity-notifications-delete

sourceItemConfigurations parameters:

The product's assigned source code
Required to create or delete a threshold
The threshold at which Commerce notifies the merchant that the salable quantity of a product is low.
Required to create a threshold
The SKU of the affected product
Required for to create or delete a threshold

Create a low quantity notification

The POST /V1/inventory/low-quantity-notification endpoint accepts an array of values that map a SKU to a source and specify when to notify the merchant of a low stock quantity.

Sample usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/inventory/low-quantity-notification


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"sourceItemConfigurations": [
"source_code": "baltimore_wh",
"notify_stock_qty": 10,
"sku": "sp1"
"source_code": "austin_wh",
"notify_stock_qty": 8,
"sku": "sp1"
"source_code": "reno_wh",
"notify_stock_qty": 5,
"sku": "sp1"


An empty array []

Return low-quantity notification information

This call returns the notify_stock_qty for the specified source and SKU.

Sample Usage:

GET <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/inventory/low-quantity-notification/reno_wh/sp1




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"source_code": "reno_wh",
"notify_stock_qty": 5,
"sku": "sp1

Delete a low-quantity notification

The POST /V1/inventory/low-quantity-notifications-delete endpoint deletes the notification threshold for an array of sourceItem objects. Each object specified a SKU amd source.

Sample usage:

POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/inventory/low-quantity-notifications-delete


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"sourceItems": [
"sku": "sp1",
"source_code": "reno_wh"


Commerce returns an empty array.


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