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Initiate a negotiable quote order by seller

This topic describes how a seller can use REST calls to create a negotiable quote for a specific buyer in Draft state, add products to the quote, update quote data such as name and expiration date, and apply a discount.


Create a negotiable quote

The following example shows the API request workflow for a seller to complete the following tasks:

  • Initiate a negotiable quote for a company buyer by creating an empty draft quote
  • Update the draft quote to add items and modify the quote name
  • Apply a discount to the quote
  • Send the quote to the buyer for review

Initiate a negotiable quote

The seller initiates a negotiable quote by creating a quote for a company buyer.

The new quote is empty with a draft_by_admin system state. In the interface, the quote has a Draft status and is visible only to the seller.


POST <host>/rest/default/V1/negotiableQuote/draft


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Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer <admin token>
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"customerId": 5

Update negotiable quote

The seller can now update the quote to add products, and optionally change the negotiable quote name.


Copied to your clipboard
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer <admin token>


PUT /V1/negotiableQuote/31

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"quote": {
"id": 31,
"items": [
"sku": "24-UG02",
"qty": 1
"sku": "24-MB01",
"qty": 100
"extension_attributes": {
"negotiable_quote": {
"quote_name": "5% for bags"

Adjust the negotiable quote

The seller updates the quote to provide a 5% discount that applies to the entire quote. The negotiated_price_type value of 1 indicates a percentage discount.


Copied to your clipboard
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer <admin token>


PUT /V1/negotiableQuote/31

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"quote": {
"id": 31,
"extension_attributes": {
"negotiable_quote": {
"negotiated_price_type": 1,
"negotiated_price_value": 5

Recalculate prices

Before sending the quote to the buyer, the seller recalculates the prices to reflect the discount.


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Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer <admin token>


POST /V1/negotiableQuote/pricesUpdated

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"quoteIds": [31]

Send the negotiable quote to the buyer

After completing updates to the quote, the seller can submit the quote to the buyer for review, including any relevant comments. Then, the buyer can either accept the offer and begin the checkout process, or request further negotiations.

This call places the quote in the submitted_by_admin state. In the interface, the buyer quote status is Updated. The seller quote status is Submitted. At this point, the quote is locked and can be updated only by the buyer.


Copied to your clipboard
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer <admin token>


POST /V1/negotiableQuote/submitToCustomer

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"quoteId": 31,
"comment": "We have provided a 5% discount to your order."
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