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Staging queries

GraphQL allows you to use certain queries to return preview information for staged content. Staging, a Adobe Commerce feature, allows merchants to schedule a set of changes to the storefront that run for a prescribed time in the future. These changes, also known as a campaign, are defined within the Admin. Customers do not have access to staged content, and as a result, staging queries have requirements that do not apply to traditional queries and mutations.

Content Staging in the Merchant User Guide describes how to create a campaign.

You can use the following queries to return staged preview information.

  • categoryList
  • products

A staging query requires two specialized headers:

Header nameDescription
Authorization Bearer: <authorization_token>
An admin token. Use a 2FA REST endpoint such as POST /V1/tfa/provider/google/authenticate to generate this token.
A timestamp (seconds since January 1, 1970) that is inside the range of dates of the campaign you are querying.

The application returns an authorization error if you specify an invalid token or do not include both headers. If the specified timestamp does not correspond to a date in a scheduled campaign, the query results reflect the current storefront settings.

The application also returns an error if you specify these headers with any other query or any mutation.

Example campaign

The example staging queries in this section are based on a simple campaign that creates a custom category and catalog sales rule using the Luma sample data. By default, the custom category and sales rule are disabled but become enabled when the campaign takes effect.

The following steps describe how to create this example campaign.

  1. Create a subcategory of Sale named End of Year Sale. Set the Enable Category field to No.
  2. Add several products to the subcategory.
  3. Schedule an update named End of Year Sale Update for the subcategory that takes effect at a later date. Configure the update so that the Enable Category field is set to Yes.
  4. Create a catalog sales rule with the following properties:
    • Set the Active switch to No.
    • In the Conditions section, define the condition as Category is <Subcategory_ID>.
    • In the Actions section, set the Apply field to Apply a percentage of original and the Discount Amount field to 25.
  5. Schedule an update for the catalog sales rule and assign it to the End of Year Sale Update. In this update, set the Active switch to Yes.

Staging products query

The following query returns information about a product (24-UG05) in the End of Year Sale campaign. The Preview-Version header contains the timestamp for a date that is within the duration of the campaign. When you include the proper headers, the query returns prices with applied discounts. Without the headers, the query returns only default prices.


Copied to your clipboard
Authorization: Bearer hoyz7k697ubv5hcpq92yrtx39i7x10um
Preview-Version: 1576389600


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products(filter: {sku: {eq: "24-UG05"}}) {
items {
price_range {
minimum_price {
discount {
final_price {
regular_price {

Response with headers:

Copied to your clipboard
"data": {
"products": {
"items": [
"name": "Go-Get'r Pushup Grips",
"sku": "24-UG05",
"price_range": {
"minimum_price": {
"discount": {
"percent_off": 25,
"amount_off": 4.75
"final_price": {
"value": 14.25,
"currency": "USD"
"regular_price": {
"value": 19

Response without headers:

Copied to your clipboard
"data": {
"products": {
"items": [
"name": "Go-Get'r Pushup Grips",
"sku": "24-UG05",
"price_range": {
"minimum_price": {
"discount": {
"percent_off": 0,
"amount_off": 0
"final_price": {
"value": 19,
"currency": "USD"
"regular_price": {
"value": 19

Staging categoryList query

In this example campaign, the End of Year Sale subcategory and a catalog price rule are disabled when the campaign is not in effect. When you specify valid headers, the categoryListquery returns full details about the custom category. Otherwise, the query returns an empty array.


Copied to your clipboard
Authorization: Bearer hoyz7k697ubv5hcpq92yrtx39i7x10um
Preview-Version: 1576389600


Copied to your clipboard
categoryList(filters: {ids: {eq: "43"}}) {
sort: {
price: ASC
pageSize: 20
currentPage: 1
) {
items {
price_range {
minimum_price {
discount {
final_price {
regular_price {

Response with headers:

Copied to your clipboard
"data": {
"categoryList": [
"name": "End of Year Sale",
"level": 3,
"products": {
"total_count": 4,
"items": [
"name": "Solo Power Circuit",
"sku": "240-LV07",
"price_range": {
"minimum_price": {
"discount": {
"amount_off": 3.5,
"percent_off": 25
"final_price": {
"value": 10.5
"regular_price": {
"value": 14
"name": "Quest Lumaflex&trade; Band",
"sku": "24-UG01",
"price_range": {
"minimum_price": {
"discount": {
"amount_off": 4.75,
"percent_off": 25
"final_price": {
"value": 14.25
"regular_price": {
"value": 19
"name": "Go-Get'r Pushup Grips",
"sku": "24-UG05",
"price_range": {
"minimum_price": {
"discount": {
"amount_off": 4.75,
"percent_off": 25
"final_price": {
"value": 14.25
"regular_price": {
"value": 19
"name": "Gabrielle Micro Sleeve Top",
"sku": "WS02",
"price_range": {
"minimum_price": {
"discount": {
"amount_off": 7.00,
"percent_off": 25
"final_price": {
"value": 21
"regular_price": {
"value": 28

Response without headers:

Copied to your clipboard
"data": {
"categoryList": []
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