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Filtering with custom attributes

As of 2.3.4, the filter attribute of the products query accepts the ProductAttributeFilterInput object. (In previous versions, the filter attribute required a ProductFilterInput object. This object contained a hardcoded list of filterable attributes, and you could not filter on a custom attribute or any other attribute that was not on the list.)


You have several options when enabling a custom attribute (or any attribute that is not listed by default in the ProductAttributeFilterInput object) for filtering. Navigate to the attribute's Storefront Properties page (Stores > Attributes > Product > <attribute name> > Storefront Properties) in the Admin, then perform one or both of the following actions:

  • Set the Use in Layered Navigation field to Filterable (with results) or Filterable (no results). This field allows the attribute to be used as a filter and returns layered navigation and aggregation data. If this field is set to No, then the attribute will not return layered navigation and aggregation data.

  • Set the Use in Search and Visible in Advanced Search fields to Yes. These fields primarily allow the application index the attribute's contents, making the data available for quick and advanced searches. Setting both these fields also allows the attribute to be used as a filter. These fields do not configure the presence or absence of layered navigation and aggregation data. If you set only one of these fields to Yes, the attribute cannot be used as a filter (unless you set the Use in Layered Navigation field to a value other than No).

Define the filter for your query

The filter definition for your custom attribute requires one of the following input data types:

  • FilterEqualTypeInput - Specify this data type when the Catalog Input Type for Store Owner field for your custom attribute is set to Yes/No, Select, or Multiple select. Your filter can contain the eq or in attribute. Use the eq attribute to exactly match the specified string. Use the in attribute to filter on a comma-separated list of values.
  • FilterMatchTypeInput - Specify this data type when the Catalog Input Type for Store Owner field for your custom attribute is set to Text Field or Text Area. Your filter must contain the match attribute, which will return all items that partially fuzzy match the specified string.
  • FilterRangeTypeInput - Specify this data type when the Catalog Input Type for Store Owner field for your custom attribute is set to Price or Date. Your filter can contain one or both of the to and from attributes, which serve to provide a range of values to filter on.


In this example, the custom attribute volume was assigned to the bags attribute group. Running the customAttributeMetadata query on this custom attribute reveals that the label and value values for the attribute's options are as follows:


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attributes: [
attribute_code: "volume"
entity_type: "catalog_product"
) {
items {
attribute_options {


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"data": {
"customAttributeMetadata": {
"items": [
"attribute_code": "volume",
"attribute_type": "Int",
"entity_type": "catalog_product",
"input_type": "select",
"attribute_options": [
"value": "216",
"label": "Large"
"value": "217",
"label": "Medium"
"value": "218",
"label": "Small"

In this scenario, a products search filtered to return items where the volume attribute is set to Large would be similar to the following:


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products(filter: { volume: { eq: "216" } }) {
items {


The response might be similar to the following:

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"data": {
"products": {
"total_count": 1,
"items": [
"name": "Wayfarer Messenger Bag",
"sku": "24-MB05"

Output attributes

When a product requires a filter attribute that is not a field on its output schema, inject the attribute name into the class in a module's di.xml file.

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<type name="Magento\CatalogGraphQl\Model\Resolver\Products\FilterArgument\ProductEntityAttributesForAst" >
<argument name="additionalAttributes" xsi:type="array">
<item name="field_to_sort" xsi:type="string">field</item>
<item name="other_field_to_sort" xsi:type="string">other_field</item>

This example adds field_to_sort and other_field_to_sort attributes to the additionalAttributes array defined in the ProductEntityAttributesForAst class. The array already contains the min_price, max_price, and category_ids attributes.

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