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confirmReturn mutation
This mutation is part of the Storefront Compatibility Package. It will be added to Adobe Commerce 2.4.8-beta2.
The confirmReturn
mutation confirms a return request from a guest customer. The merchant subsequently decides whether to accept or reject the request.
Copied to your clipboardmutation {confirmReturn(input: ConfirmReturnInput!): RequestReturnOutput}
Example usage
The following example confirms a return request previously issued by a guest customer. At this point, the merchant hasn't taken action, but the response acknowledges the request was received.
Copied to your clipboardmutation{confirmReturn(input: {order_id: "NQ=="confirmation_key: "abcde"}){return {uiditems {uidstatusrequest_quantityquantityorder_item {ideligible_for_returnproduct_skuproduct_skuproduct_typequantity_returnedstatus}}numberstatuscomments {uidauthor_nametextcreated_at}customer {firstnamelastname}}}}
Copied to your clipboard{"data": {"confirmReturn": {"return": {"uid": "Mw==","items": [{"uid": "Mw==","status": "PENDING","request_quantity": 1,"quantity": 0,"order_item": {"id": "MTE=","eligible_for_return": true,"product_sku": "MS09-M-Red","product_type": "configurable","quantity_returned": 0,"status": "Shipped"}}],"number": "000000003","status": "PENDING","comments": [{"uid": "NQ==","author_name": "Customer Service","text": "We placed your Return request.","created_at": "2020-11-19 18:20:28"},{"uid": "Ng==","author_name": "Bob Loblaw","text": "I want to return the shirt because I don't like the texture of the fabric","created_at": "2020-11-19 18:20:28"}],"customer": {"firstname": "Bob","lastname": "Loblaw","email": ""}}}}}
Returns attributes
The Returns
object contains an array of Return
objects and pagination information.
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
items | [Return] | A list of return requests |
page_info SearchResultPageInfo | Pagination metadata | |
total_count | Int | The total number of return requests |