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sendEmailToFriend mutation

Use the sendEmailToFriend mutation to allow the application send a message on behalf of a customer to the specified email addresses.


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mutation {
input: SendEmailToFriendInput
) {


The sendEmailToFriend reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.

Example usage

The following example sends a message to two friends.


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mutation {
input: {
product_id: 10
sender: {
name: "Veronica Cost"
email: "roni_cost@example.com"
message: "Sarah needs this! http://luma.example.com/savvy-shoulder-tote.html"
recipients: [
{ name: "Amie Franklin", email: "afranklin@example.com" }
{ name: "Tomoko", email: "tomoko@example.com" }
) {
sender {
recipients {


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"data": {
"sendEmailToFriend": {
"sender": {
"name": "Veronica Cost",
"email": "roni_cost@example.com",
"recipients": [
"name": "Amie Franklin",
"email": "afranklin@example.com"
"name": "Tomoko",
"email": "tomoko@example.com"


Some errors occur because the Email a friend feature is not properly configured. Go to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Email to a friend in the Admin to adjust the settings.

"Email to a Friend" is not enabled.
"Email to a Friend" is disabled. To activate it, use the Admin to set the Enabled field to Yes.
Please provide Name of sender.
The value specified in the input.sender.name argument is empty.
Please provide Email of sender.
The value specified in the input.sender.email argument is empty.
Please provide Message.
The value specified in the input.sender.message argument is empty.
Please provide Name for all of recipients.
The value specified in the input.recipients[].name argument is empty.
Please provide Email for all of recipients.
The value specified in the input.recipients[].email argument is empty.
The current customer isn't authorized.
"Email to a Friend" is available for registered users only. To make it available for guests, use the Admin to set the Allow for Guests option to Yes.
The product that was requested doesn't exist. Verify the product and try again.
The product specified in the product_id argument is not visible in the current website.
You can't send messages more than XXX times an hour.
The user cannot send more messages in an hour than specified in the Max Products Sent in 1 Hour option in the Admin.
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