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deleteCustomerAddress mutation

Use the deleteCustomerAddress mutation to delete the specified customer address. It returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the operation was successful.

We recommend you use a customer token in the header of your call to delete a customer. However, you also can use session authentication.


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mutation {
id: Int!
) {


The deleteCustomerAddress reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.

Example usage

The following call deletes a customer's address.


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mutation {
deleteCustomerAddress(id: 4)


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"data": {
"deleteCustomerAddress": true

Input attributes

The deleteCustomerAddress mutation requires the following input:

AttributeData TypeDescription
The ID assigned to the address object

Output attributes

The deleteCustomerAddress mutation returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the operation was successful.


Address "id" value should be specified
The id argument is zero.
Could not find a address with ID "XXX"
The customer address specified in the id argument does not exist.
Customer Address XXX is set as default billing address and cannot be deleted
You cannot delete a default billing address.
Customer Address XXX is set as default shipping address and cannot be deleted
You cannot delete a default shipping address.
Field "deleteCustomerAddress" argument "id" requires type Int!, found "XXX".
The specified id argument value has the wrong type.
Syntax Error: Expected Name, found )
The id argument was omitted or does not have a value.
The current customer isn't authorized.
The current customer is not currently logged in, or the customer's token does not exist in the oauth_token table.
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