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customerPaymentTokens query

When the vault feature is supported by a payment integration and enabled, customers have the option during checkout to save their credit card information. (Braintree supports the vault feature. Third-party payment integrations may support this feature as well.) During subsequent checkouts, the customer is presented with a list of saved payment options. If Instant Purchase is enabled, customers can even by-pass the two-step checkout process and place the order from the product page.

The customerPaymentTokens query returns an array of stored payment methods. Use the deletePaymentToken mutation to delete a payment token from the system.




The customerPaymentTokens reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this query.

Example usage

The following example returns all the current customer's payment tokens. The public_hash output values will be unique to your application.


Copied to your clipboard
query {
customerPaymentTokens {
items {


Copied to your clipboard
"data": {
"customerPaymentTokens": {
"items": [
"details": "{\"type\":\"VI\",\"maskedCC\":\"1111\",\"expirationDate\":\"09\\/2022\"}",
"public_hash": "377c1514e0...",
"payment_method_code": "braintree",
"type": "card"
"details": "{\"type\":\"DI\",\"maskedCC\":\"1117\",\"expirationDate\":\"11\\/2023\"}",
"public_hash": "f5816fe2ab...",
"payment_method_code": "braintree",
"type": "card"


The current customer isn't authorized.
The current customer is not currently logged in, or the customer's token does not exist in the oauth_token table.

deletePaymentToken mutation

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