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createEmptyCart mutation

The createEmptyCart mutation creates an empty shopping cart for a guest or logged in customer. You can allow the system to generate a cart ID, or assign a specific ID.

If you are creating a cart for a logged in customer, you must include the customer's authorization token in the header of the request.


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mutation {
createEmptyCart {


The createEmptyCart reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.

Example usage

Create a cart with a randomly-generated cart ID


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mutation {


The response is the cart ID, which is sometimes called the quote ID. The remaining examples in this topic will use this cart ID.

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"data": {
"createEmptyCart": "4JQaNVJokOpFxrykGVvYrjhiNv9qt31C"

Create an empty cart with an assigned cart ID

You can also create an empty cart with a specified cart_id.


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mutation {
input: {
cart_id: "x2345678901234567890123456789012"


The mutation returns the same cart_id.

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"data": {
"createEmptyCart": "x2345678901234567890123456789012"


Cart with ID "XXX" already exists.
The specified cart ID was previously used to create a cart.
Cart ID length should to be 32 symbols.
The cart ID is not the required length.
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