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addVirtualProductsToCart mutation

A virtual product represents a saleable item that is not physical, such as a membership, service, warranty, or subscription. Virtual products do not need to be shipped or downloaded, nor do they require stock management.

The addVirtualProductsToCart mutation allows you to add multiple virtual products to the cart at the same time, but you cannot add other product types with this mutation. To add a virtual product to a cart, you must provide the cart ID, the SKU, and the quantity. You can also optionally provide customizable options.


mutation: {addVirtualProductsToCart(input: AddVirtualProductsToCartInput): {AddVirtualProductsToCartOutput}}


The addVirtualProductsToCart reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.

Example usage

The Luma sample data does not include any virtual products. The following example requires that you create a virtual product with the sku value of Membership-Gold with a price of $49.99.


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mutation {
input: {
cart_id: "IeTUiU0oCXjm0uRqGCOuhQ2AuQatogjG",
cart_items: [
data: {
quantity: 1
sku: "Membership-Gold"
) {
cart {
itemsV2 {
items {
product {
page_info {
prices {
grand_total {


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"data": {
"addVirtualProductsToCart": {
"cart": {
"itemsV2": {
"items": [
"product": {
"name": "Gold Membership"
"quantity": 1
"total_count": 1,
"page_info": {
"page_size": 20,
"current_page": 1,
"total_pages": 1
"prices": {
"grand_total": {
"value": 49.99,
"currency": "USD"


Could not find a cart with ID "XXX"
The specified cart_id value does not exist in the quote_id_mask table.
Could not find a product with SKU "YYY"
A virtual product with the SKU specified in the data.sku argument does not exist.
Required parameter "cart_id" is missing
The cart_id argument was omitted or contains an empty value.
Required parameter "cart_items" is missing
The cart_items argument was omitted or contains an empty value.
The current user cannot perform operations on cart XXX
An unauthorized user (guest) tried to add the product into a customer's cart, or an authorized user (customer) tried to add the product into the cart of another customer.
The product's required option(s) weren't entered. Make sure the options are entered and try again.
A virtual product has customizable options that were not specified in the mutation, but are required for adding the product into the cart.
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