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deleteCompanyUser mutation

Use the deleteCompanyUser mutation to deactivate the specified company user.

You can get the user ID with the company query.

This mutation requires a valid customer authentication token.


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mutation {
id: ID!
) {


The deleteCompanyUser reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.

Example usage

The following example deactivates the user specified in the id attribute.


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mutation {
id: "Mg=="
) {


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"data": {
"deleteCompanyUser": {
"success": true


You do not have authorization to perform this action.
The user with the ID provided in the input.id argument is not available to your company, or you do not have the necessary permissions to perform this operation.
You cannot delete yourself.
You must specify a company user other than yourself.
A customer with the same email address already exists in an associated website
The email provided in the input.email argument belongs to another user.
The user XXX is the company admin and cannot be set to inactive. You must set another user as the company admin first.
The company owner cannot be deactivated. You must set another user as the company admin first.
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