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createCompanyUser mutation

The createCompanyUser mutation allows an existing company user who is assigned a role that contains the Magento_Company::users_edit permission to create a new company user. The specified email address determines how the application processes the request.

  • If the email address is unique for the website, the application immediately creates the company user.

  • If the email address belongs to a customer who is not a company user, the application sends an invitation to join the company organization to the customer. When the customer accepts the invitation, the application adds the customer to the company organization.

  • If the email address belongs to a customer who is part of any company organization, the application returns the error "A customer with the same email already assigned to company".

The target_id input attribute allows you to specify which node in the company structure will be the parent node of the company user. If you do not specify a value, the user will be assigned to the top-level (root) node of the company structure.

You can get the target_id and the role_id with the company query.

This mutation requires a valid customer authentication token.


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mutation {
input: CompanyUserCreateInput!
) {


The createCompanyUser reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.

Example usage

Create a company user (minimal payload)

The following example shows the minimal payload to add a company user. Because a target_id is not specified, the application places the new company user at the top node of the company structure.


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mutation {
input: {
email: "john.doe@example.com"
firstname: "John"
lastname: "Doe"
job_title: "User"
role_id: "MQ=="
status: ACTIVE
telephone: "1234567890"
) {
user {


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"data": {
"createCompanyUser": {
"user": {
"created_at": "2020-10-15 23:33:49",
"email": "john.doe@example.com"

Create a company user in a specific location in the company structure

This example creates a new company user of the parent company team specified in the target_id field.


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mutation {
input: {
email: "jane.doe3@example.com"
firstname: "Jane"
lastname: "Doe3"
job_title: "User"
role_id: "NTc="
status: ACTIVE
telephone: "1234567890"
target_id: "OA=="
) {
user {
role {
team {


Copied to your clipboard
"data": {
"createCompanyUser": {
"user": {
"created_at": "2020-10-15 23:39:11",
"email": "jane.doe@example.com",
"firstname": "Jane",
"lastname": "Doe",
"job_title": "User",
"role": {
"id": "NTc=",
"name": "Default User"
"team": {
"id": "MQ==",
"name": "Test Team",
"structure_id": "Mg=="
"status": "ACTIVE",
"telephone": "1234567890"


Invitation was sent to an existing customer, they will be added to your organization once they accept the invitation.
The email provided in the input.email argument belongs to an existing customer. The application sends an invitation to this customer. When the customer accepts the invitation, the customer will be assigned to the company.
A customer with the same email already assigned to company.
The email provided in the input.email argument belongs to an existing customer, and the customer has already been assigned to the company.
"Email" is not a valid email address.
The value provided in the input.email argument has an invalid format.
Field "createCompanyUser" argument "input" requires type String!, found xxx.
The value specified in the one of the input arguments has an invalid type.
Field "xxx" is not defined by type CompanyUserCreateInput.
The input.xxx argument is undefined.
Required parameters are missing: xxx
The input.xxx argument was omitted or contains an empty value.
No such entity with roleId = xxx
The company role with ID xxx doesn't exist.
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