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Database isolation attribute

To isolate database changes between tests, the Integration testing framework (ITF) implements the DbIsolation attribute. When the DbIsolation attribute is enabled, the ITF:

  • Starts a database transaction before the test/test case.
  • Avoids a database commit during the test/test case.
  • Restores the database after the test/test case.


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DbIsolation(bool $state = true)


  • state
    • Enables or disables database isolation.

Test class attribute

Use test class declarations when a sequence of tests introduces changes to the database and relies on the changes made by each other. For example, typical CRUD tests: create -> read -> update -> delete. Every next test method relies on a database state after the previous one. If at any point of that sequence (after creation) the test method fails, the database will be polluted with test data. To apply a database rollback after the test class, create a separate test class with DbIsolation enabled at a class level.


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class Some\EntityTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
public function testCreate()
return $this->object->getId();
public function testRead($objectId)
$this->assertEquals($this->initialData, $this->object->getData());
return $objectId;
public function testUpdate($objectId)
$object = new Some_Entity();
$this->assertEquals($newData, $object->getData());
return $objectId;
public function testDelete($objectId)
$object = new Some_Entity();

Test method attribute

To isolate changes made to the database by a single test, enable the DbIsolation attribute for the test method.

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public function testSave()
$taxClassDataObject = $this->taxClassFactory->create();
$taxClassId = $this->taxClassRepository->save($taxClassDataObject);
$this->assertEquals(self::SAMPLE_TAX_CLASS_NAME, $this->taxClassModel->load($taxClassId)->getClassName());
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