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Having a little trouble with the MFTF? See some common errors and fixes below.

AcceptanceTester class issues

If you see the following error:

Copied to your clipboard
AcceptanceTester class doesn't exist in suite folder.
Run the 'build' command to generate it


Something went wrong during the mftf build:project command that prevented the creation of the AcceptanceTester class.


This issue is fixed in the version 2.5.0 of the Functional Testing Framework.

In versions of the Functional Testing Framework lower than 2.5.0, you should:

  1. Open the functional.suite.yml file at:

    Copied to your clipboard
    <magento root directory>/dev/tests/acceptance/tests/functional.suite.yml
  2. Add quotation marks (") around these values:

  3. Run the vendor/bin/mftf build:project command again.

  4. You should see the AcceptanceTester class is created at:

    Copied to your clipboard
    <magento root directory>/vendor/magento/magento2-functional-testing-framework/src/Magento/FunctionalTestingFramework/AcceptanceTester.php

WebDriver issues

Troubleshoot your WebDriver issues on various browsers.


You are unable to upload file input using the Functional Testing Framework actions and are seeing the following exception:

Copied to your clipboard
No active session with ID e56f9260-b366-11e7-966b-db3e6f35d8e1


Use of PhantomJS is not supported by the MFTF.


For headless browsing, the Headless Chrome{:target="_blank"} has better compatibility with the MFTF.

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