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Suites are essentially groups of tests that run in specific conditions (preconditions and postconditions). They enable including, excluding, and grouping tests for a customized test run. You can form suites using separate tests, groups, and modules.

Each suite must be defined in the <VendorName>/<ModuleName>/Test/Mftf/Suite directory.

The tests for each suite are generated in a separate directory under <magento 2 root>/dev/tests/acceptance/tests/functional/Magento/_generated/. All tests that are not within a suite are generated in the default suite at <magento 2 root>/dev/tests/acceptance/tests/functional/Magento/_generated/default.


The format of a suite:

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<suites xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../dev/tests/acceptance/vendor/magento/magento2-functional-testing-framework/src/Magento/FunctionalTestingFramework/Suite/etc/suiteSchema.xsd">
<suite name="">
<test name=""/>
<group name=""/>
<module name="" file=""/>
<test name=""/>
<group name=""/>
<module name="" file=""/>


  • A suite name:

    • must not match any existing group value. For example, the suite <suite name="ExampleTest"> will fail during test run if any test contains in annotations <group value="ExampleTest">.
    • must not be default or skip. Tests that are not in any suite are generated under the default suite. The suite name skip is synonymous to including a test in the <group value="skip"/>.
    • can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
    • should be upper camel case.
  • A suite must contain at least one <include>, or one <exclude>, or both.

  • Using <before> in a suite, you must add the corresponding <after> to restore the initial state of your testing instance.

  • One <suite> tag is allowed per suite XML file.


Using suites enables test writers to consolidate conditions that are shared between tests. The code lives in one place and executes once per suite.

  • Set up preconditions and postconditions using actions in <before> and <after> correspondingly, just similar to use in a test.
  • Clean up after suites just like after tests. The Functional Testing Framework enforces the presence of both <before> and <after> if either is present.

Test writing

Since suites enable precondition consolidation, a common workflow for test writing is adding a new test to an existing suite. Such test is generated in context of the suite that contains it. You cannot isolate this test from preconditions of the suite; it cannot be used outside of the suite at the same time.

There are several ways to generate and execute your new test in the context of a suite:

  • Edit the appropriate suite.xml to include your test only and run:

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    vendor/bin/mftf run:group <suiteName>
  • Temporarily add a group to your test like <group value="foo"> and run:

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    vendor/bin/mftf run:group foo
  • To limit generation to your suite/test combination, run in conjunction with the above:

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    vendor/bin/mftf generate:suite <suite>
  • To generate any combination of suites and tests, use generate:tests with the --tests flag.


Enabling/disabling WYSIWYG in suite conditions

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<suites xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../dev/tests/acceptance/vendor/magento/magento2-functional-testing-framework/src/Magento/FunctionalTestingFramework/Suite/etc/suiteSchema.xsd">
<suite name="WYSIWYG">
<actionGroup ref="LoginAsAdmin" stepKey="login"/>
<amOnPage url="admin/admin/system_config/edit/section/cms/" stepKey="navigateToConfigurationPage" />
<waitForPageLoad stepKey="wait1"/>
<conditionalClick stepKey="expandWYSIWYGOptions" selector="{{ContentManagementSection.WYSIWYGOptions}}" dependentSelector="{{ContentManagementSection.CheckIfTabExpand}}" visible="true" />
<waitForElementVisible selector="{{ContentManagementSection.EnableWYSIWYG}}" stepKey="waitForEnableWYSIWYGDropdown1" />
<waitForElementVisible selector="{{ContentManagementSection.EnableSystemValue}}" stepKey="waitForUseSystemValueVisible"/>
<uncheckOption selector="{{ContentManagementSection.EnableSystemValue}}" stepKey="uncheckUseSystemValue"/>
<selectOption selector="{{ContentManagementSection.EnableWYSIWYG}}" userInput="Enabled by Default" stepKey="selectOption1"/>
<click selector="{{ContentManagementSection.WYSIWYGOptions}}" stepKey="collapseWYSIWYGOptions" />
<click selector="{{ContentManagementSection.Save}}" stepKey="saveConfig" />
<actionGroup ref="LoginAsAdmin" stepKey="login"/>
<actionGroup ref="DisabledWYSIWYG" stepKey="disable"/>
<group name="WYSIWYG"/>

This example declares a suite with the name WYSIWYG. The suite enables WYSIWYG before running tests. It performs the following steps:

  1. Log in to the backend.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration page.
  3. Enable WYSIWYG in the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance.

After the testing, the suite returns the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance to the initial state disabling WYSIWYG:

  1. Log back in.
  2. Disable WYSIWYG in the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance.

This suite includes all tests that contain the <group value="WYSIWYG"/> annotation.

Execute CLI commands in suite conditions

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<suites xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:mftf:Suite/etc/suiteSchema.xsd">
<suite name="Cache">
<magentoCLI stepKey="disableCache" command="cache:disable"/>
<magentoCLI stepKey="enableCache" command="cache:enable"/>
<test name="SomeCacheRelatedTest"/>
<group name="CacheRelated"/>

This example declares a suite with the name Cache.


  1. It disables the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance cache entirely before running the included tests.
  2. After the testing, it re-enables the cache.

The suite includes a specific test SomeCacheRelatedTest and every <test> that includes the <group value="CacheRelated"/> annotation.

Change configurations in suite conditions

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<suites xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:mftf:Suite/etc/suiteSchema.xsd">
<suite name="PaypalConfiguration">
<createData entity="SamplePaypalConfig" stepKey="createSamplePaypalConfig"/>
<createData entity="DefaultPayPalConfig" stepKey="restoreDefaultPaypalConfig"/>
<module name="Catalog"/>
<test name="PaypalIncompatibleTest"/>

This example declares a suite with the name PaypalConfiguration:

  • <before> block persists a PayPal Configuration enabling all tests in this suite to run under the newly reconfigured Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance.
  • <after> block deletes the persisted configuration, returning Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source to its initial state.
  • The suite includes all tests from the Catalog module, except the PaypalIncompatibleTest test.

Elements reference


The root element for suites.


A set of "before" and "after" preconditions, and test filters to include and exclude tests in the scope of suite.

Unique suite name identifier.
Removing the suite during merging.

It can contain <before>, <after>, <include>, and <exclude>.


A suite hook with preconditions that executes once before the suite tests.

It may contain test steps with any actions and action groups.


A suite hook with postconditions executed once after the suite tests.

It may contain test steps with any actions and action groups.


A set of filters that you can use to specify which tests to include in the test suite.

It may contain filters by:

  • test which names a specific <test>.
  • group which refers to a declared group annotation.
  • module which refers to test files under a specific module.

The element can contain <test>, <group>, and <module>.


A set of filters that you can use to specify which tests to exclude in the test suite.

There are two types of behavior:

  1. Applying filters to the included tests when the suite contains <include> filters. The Functional Testing Framework will exclude tests from the previously included set and generate the remaining tests in the suite.
  2. Applying filters to all tests when the suite does not contain <include> filters. The Functional Testing Framework will generate all existing tests except the excluded. In this case, the custom suite will contain all generated tests except excluded, and the default suite will contain the excluded tests only.

It may contain filters by:

  • test which names a specific <test>.
  • group which refers to a declared group annotation.
  • module which refers to test files under a specific module.

The element may contain <test>, <group>, and <module>.


Filtering a test by its name.
Removing the filter during merging.


Filtering tests by the <group> annotation.
Removing the filter during merging.


Filtering tests by their location in the corresponding module.
Filtering a specific test file in the module.
Removing the filter during merging.
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